Saturday, 31 May 2014


Ian Paisley’s son blasted the Prime Minister of British Occupied Ireland as a “condescending ignoramus” over his insulting remarks on Muslims. Prime Minister Peter Robinson has refused to issue a public apology over supporting an anti-Islamic preacher Pastor McConnell who caused controversy when he blasted Islam as "satanic".

Rev Paisley, a Presbyterian Minister in England, said that there are "irreconcilable differences between the theology of Biblical Protestantism and the theology of traditional Islam", but this was "no reason for any man to go out of his way in order to insult Allah".

Paisley slated the current DUP leader as "a condescending ignoramus" for saying he would only trust Muslims to "go down to the shop." "His remark leaves a deep stain on his own reputation, the reputation of his party and the reputation of the religion he professes to believe in," Rev Paisley said.

The minister went on to criticise the DUP including his twin brother Ian for not speaking out."It beggars belief that thus far not one within his party has the nerve to publicly challenge him. Sometimes silence is golden. In this case it is plain yellow. If I was on the receiving end of that remark, and somebody said I wouldn't trust a Protestant except to go to the shop to buy me something, I would look upon that as a condescending remark."

Islam comments row: Thousands attend anti-racism rallies

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Alliance MLA Anna Lo  among thousands of people attending an anti-racism rally at Belfast City Hall on Saturday after recent comments made about the Islamic faith.
Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

Alliance MLA Anna Lo among thousands of people attending an anti-racism rally at Belfast City Hall on Saturday after recent comments made about the Islamic faith. Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

31 MAY 2014
Thousands of people attended anti-racism rallies in Belfast and Londonderry today following recent racist attacks in Northern Ireland and controversial comments by a pastor who described Islam as "satanic".


A condescending ignoramus... Ian Paisley's preacher son's bitter attack on First...

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Organisers of the Belfast event said it was held to communicate the city's support of its migrant and ethnic minority residents.

Police said around 4,000 people attended the event.

Speakers included Alliance MLA Anna Lo, who this week said she would not be seeking re-election after being subjected to racist abuse.

Ms Lo was also critical of First Minister Peter Robinson following remarks he made in support of Paster James McConnell who earlier this month gave a sermon in which he described Islam as a "doctrine spawned in hell."

Addressing today's rally, she said everyone in Northern Ireland must stand up against racism and sectarianism.

A spokesperson behind the rally said: "Attacks on migrants are shaming. A clear rise in racial prejudice is shaming. Widespread and growing Islamophobia is shaming.

"The fact that Anna Lo MLA is now considering leaving Northern Ireland due to racism – that's shaming. Shame isn't enough."

Meanwhile, plans for an anti-racism march through the streets of Belfast have been announced.

The event, planned for next Saturday, is being described as a chance for the community to take a stand against racism.

Organisers say the purpose is to reassure ethnic and religious minorities that they are a welcome and an integral part of society and to call for effective and united political leadership against racism.

IF ISRAEL SCUM STATE northern ireland ?

Channel 4 News ran a segment on May 28th 2014 on racism in the United Kingdom and included a segment on the Northern Ireland First Minister, Peter Robinson's support for 'pastor' James McConnell



Friday, 30 May 2014


First Minister, Peter Robinson, is not a responsible politician by any standards in any democratic culture. His latest controversy may push Muslims, along with Anna Lo, especially those working in the health service, to take their skills elsewhere. These are high-calibre, highly skilled people which British Occupied Ireland can ill-afford to lose. 

The sectarian hate talk of Pastor McConnell and his close friend Peter Robinson, have wide-ranging consequences in the British scum, sectarian, bigoted, racist, prejudiced,colonialist state the British call northern Ireland. Their local Assembly or excuse for a boasted Parliament  for a Protestant people, is not functioning like a competent and mature parliament, it never did since its formation and obviously never will in the context of an occupied six counties.

Yet another buffoon, portrayed as an northern Ireland Assembly First or Prime minister, operates without integrity or the basic values of a democratic parliament, making a mockery of a pretentious, civilized, prejudiced Protestant Parliament, for a modern prejudiced democracy of Britain's first colony, which has nothing decent to defend. Robinson and the British are taking Ireland very carefully to the edge of civil war and yet more securocrat profit dividends, for the British Industrial War complex, under the disguise of security in yet another British conspired, colonial dirty war in Ireland.

It is long past time for the prejudiced, bigoted, racist, British colonialists to go, before they start another civil war in yet another of their colonies worldwide, and take their obnoxious, mentored racist, attributes with them , out of what used to be the Ireland of a thousand welcomes. This latest British debacle has disgraced occupied Ireland, once again, world wide. BRITS OUT NOW !

Thursday, 29 May 2014


There has been considerable evidence in the last 10 years, of an intelligence gap, within the paramilitary British Police Service of Occupied Ireland, particularly with regard to emerging names, from inside the anti-ceasefire Irish republican forces. The retirement of hundreds of informers, left the British paramiltary police, with fewer eyes and ears in the republican community, although long-term British agents within the higher echelons remained in place.

Theintelligence gap is all the more remarkable, when considering the huge amounts of British taxpayers monies, the PSNI has spent since 2002 re-hiring corrupt RUC officers, involved in collusion, and Britain's ongoing dirty war with the old RUC as agency staff.The amount of British taxpayers money is staggering, with a £106m bill for ex-RUC officers; the increase of these veterans's numbers going back into the PSNI, on a regular basis, from hundreds of personnel annually in 2002, to thousands annually, just a few years later, and by the start of 2012, 75% of agency workers in the British paramilitary police, coming solely from ex-RUC personnel, many of them also in secret, sectarian, loyalist organizations.

The British brought back these retired policemen, after searching in every luxury holiday home complex, beach and golf courses along places like the Rivera  and sex resorts like Pattaya, to persuade these beer bellied ex-pats, to come back home, to earn plenty of dosh, supporting the inexperienced, frail paramilitary PSNI. With so many aged ex-RUC officers back on the payroll, it suggests major problems within the paramilitary PSNI and no expertise. Many of the more experienced paramilitary British police, have gone further afield, to earn massive amounts of money, as mercenaries in the private wars of Central African business.

Several senior former RUC senior officers, are working in police forces of many tinpot dictatorships, as well as Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course it is too late for Sinn Fein to complain now, about the re-hiring of so many old RUC staff. They foolishly signed up to an arrangement at St Andrews in 2006, which handed full control, to the unsupervised British Secret Service of MI5, who have just appointed ex-RUC officer, George Hamilton as Chief Constable, from the ranks of the disgraced RUC,
The leading role of the  British Secret Service MI5, a law unto themselves in all policing operations in British Occupied Ireland, is motivated by huge overspend, particularly with cozy arrangements of old wine in new bottles, that have come back into the paramilitary PSNI, now under the supreme command of one of their own, RUC Chief Constable George Hamilton. Neither the elected Executive and the Department of Justice, have any operational control over any policing in British Occupied Ireland, which is farcical in  supposed Peace process context

There are of course major concerns about,  ex-RUC officers, who have past form in running sectarian killer agents, who murdered Human Rights lawyers and whole innocent families at random, which has been thoroughly documented within both republican and loyalist organisations. None of these numerous killers within the RUC have been brought to justice.

The RUC handling of informants, directly involved in hate crimes, including murder, particularly by UVF/RUC double agents, is one of the biggest scandals of the troubles. There surely will be new scandals in the very near future, involving  loyalist sectarian activists and pseudo-republicans committing murder crimes, while all the time working for RUC again, along with British Secret Service MI5 state assets, in British Occupied Ireland. The RUC are running the force again with almost all politicians compromised and woe betide any Irish Nationalist seeking justice of the machine. Yes it's business as usual with the shiny new RUC Chief Constable George Hamilton.


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Anna Lo 'considering leaving Northern Ireland' after Peter Robinson gives backing for 'Satanic Islam' sermon pastor

Comments come after First Minister Peter Robinson gave his support to a controversial preacher who denounced Islam

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Alliance MLA Anna Lo has said she would consider leaving Northern Ireland after Peter Robinson gave his backing for a pastor who denounced Islam
Alliance MLA Anna Lo has said she would consider leaving Northern Ireland after Peter Robinson gave his backing for a pastor who denounced Islam

Alliance MLA Anna Lo has said she is considering leaving Northern Ireland following comments made by First Minister Peter Robinson in support of a controversial pastor who denounced Islam.

The politician - who represents South Belfast and just last week ran as a candidate in the European elections - said she was "angry" at the backing given to Pastor James McConnell.
A heated row was reignited on Wednesday evening, as Pastor McConnell once again appeared on the BBC's Nolan Show to defend comments he made that Islam was a "heathen" doctrine which was "spawned in hell".
Peter Robinson is now at the centre of a religious storm after he defended the firebrand evangelical preacher.
There had been for an investigation into Mr Robinson's comments, to determine whether the First Minister breached the rules of Stormont's Code of Conduct.
In response to the ongoing controversy, Anna Lo said she did not feel safe living in Northern Ireland.
The MLA said she would consider leaving the country "because of what might happen after what he said".
"I do not feel safe here and I know many people who feel the same," she told the Nolan Show.
"I love this country and I chose to live here.
"I am just appalled our political leaders are coming out and making such comments."
On Thursday morning Peter Robinson attempted to diffuse the ongoing row.
He said "no part of me would want to insult or cause distress to local Muslims".
But while he moved to assure members of the Islamic community, he continued his defence of Pastor McConnell's "right to freedom of speech".
Pastor McConnell had described the Islamic faith as "Satanic" during a sermon at his Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle church in Belfast earlier this month.
He also said while there may be "good Muslims" in Britain " I don't trust them".
Speaking to the Irish News this week, Peter Robinson said Pastor McConnell didn't have "an ounce of hatred in his bones".
His comments come after the Belfast Telegraph revealed that during a Sunday evening sermon the pastor said: "Islam is heathen, Islam is Satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in Hell."
The 75-year-old pastor's comments sparked a police probe.
Peter Robinson said he had visited the church on several occasions and he would attend in the future.
He said there appeared to be an attempt to demonise Mr McConnell.
"There isn't an ounce of hatred in his bones," he said.
"This is someone who preaches the gospel."
Mr Robinson's comments also prompted a fresh clash with Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.
In response, the Sinn Fein man and former IRA commander McGuinness, who has already accused the pastor of hate-mongering, told his partner in government to show some leadership.
Further reading

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Who really cares ?, just make sure you take down all those scary election posters before you go

Can people not see that religion is the problem here, all myths with their own objectives no matter who they are and what they believe. The route of all evil is in those that believe it. Each one thinking they know more than the other and listen and abide by the rubbish there leaders teach.
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Bye bye !!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out Anna..................It was OK for you to insult people living here by calling N Ireland artificial a few months ago. You won't be fact I will help you pack if you want.
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A few decades ago you could use that same argument about Christianity, by advising people to come to Northern Ireland and witness the troubles, see how long their love affair with Christianity lasts....

I heard the interview this morning. Anna was virtually in tears. This is what religious fundamentalists and the DUP have brought us to. The destruction of ay credibility that Northern Ireland has while the rest of the world stands aghast.
No wonder Peter left it until after the elections to comment. He is his own Nero.Someone pass him a fiddle.....
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I left Norn Iron in 1977 and I urge every young person to get out and stay out. There is life outside of and after the hatred and sectarianism and racism and narrow mindedness of N Ireland. There are societies where you are not burdened by the hatreds of the past and present and where you can live in a decent society with other people who feel the same. I am not saying it will be perfect or a utopia but when you have leaders with this level of thinking in the 21st century N Ireland is not a place to build a future for you or  your children. My own children look at the society I was brought up in (we visit increasingly less each year) and they want nothing to do with it and don't want to waste any time trying to understand it. Sadly N Ireland does not have the capacity to be what it could be preferring to live in the past. Take a look around - the best and brightest are choosing to leave. And whats left is not in any way appealing.

When the First Minister gives his blessing to the Funda-Mentalists, it gives a nod to those people who have been carrying out racist attacks recently.
If you don't fall into the following categories then you are at risk from these yobs:
White, Anglo-Saxon or Scot, Protestant, Heterosexual.
Pastor McConnell would also include, for example, in his words 'Alcoholics' and 'Party Boys', and probably Scientists and Historians (pre-6000 years).

She is annoyed because she did not get elected. Now she is making this all about her. 

She is an elected MLA and it was Nolan who made it about her. Try to keep up.

@Ulysses32 She did not get elected to Europe and she rang Nolan to get her piece of the action. Politicians need to be made of stronger stuff, we don't need criers.
 Try to keep up.

Sorry for Anna. But obviously she don't like it here, the comments she has been making over the last year show this.
I say to anyone feel free to leave, it's like freedom of speech, it's your choice and if your not happy then go.
This country is becoming like Hitlers Germany where soon you will be locked up for having an opinion that is not what the PC people want to hear. If I say I don't trust someone does that mean I Hate them. I think not.

Robinson needs to go. He is an embarrassment. 

I'm not an Alliance voter but I hope Naomi Long trounces the DUP at the next election in East Belfast. She stands head and shoulders above this man and the pettiness his party spits out on a day and daily basis.

@TheWeaver your hopes wont affect the real vote, Ms Long was elected because the PUP/UVF supported her in the same way as they supported the Belfast agreement.

I am so sorry for the distress caused to so many people by the remarks made by Mr McConnell and by so many Christians. On behalf of many many people, I want to apologise to those good people in  minority groups, who feel threatened and disillusioned, by the shocking comments made by Mr McConnell, and the backing given to him by Mr Robinson.
It is also very unfortunate that other Christian leaders have remained virtually silent.
But I say to Anna Lo and others, please don't leave us, don't let Mr McConnell and Mr Robinson win, if you leave, our society will be much the poorer for it, and you will be leaving us in the hands of these supremacists.  

I'm living in Hong Kong, where Ms.Lo is from. Just this week I was making my decision whether to return to Ulster when I saw the pastor's video. It was very sad to see, but I never thought that Peter Robinson, the first minister, could endorse such dangerous and hateful speech. I'm not coming back. I really miss home, but I need to live in a place where people are shown respect regardless of where they're from or what they believe - by a society's leader in particular. I can only hope that no one is attacked as a result of this.

@AnRaibh Then stay where you are if the words of a pastor are so hard to deal with. Mainland China is a very tolerant place to live in and express opinions on everything I hear - Islamic jihadists murdered 27 people and injured 109 at Kunming railway station on March 2nd this year. But as Nolan would say - "thats an isolated case". Among many actually....

Indeed, I hear China is a Nirvana of tolerance.  When can we hear about the Dali Lama's next round of speaking enguagements there?

@AnRaibh WOW !!! What a freak coincidence that "Just this week I was making my decision whether to return to Ulster" just happened to coincide with the Pastors video !!!.......go buy a lottery ticket. You obviously must have missed the news the 12 months prior to this also and not noticed the republican bombings and shootings eh ?

Anna is not alone here. Both myself and my girlfriend have discussed this. We are both educated people who earn decent money and could earn more money elsewhere but we stay here because we love this country.

Both of us are sick and tired of the bigotry, hatred and riots over petty things like pieces of cloth. We want to live in peace. We're both aware that for this country to improve people like us need to stay and work to improve it but there's only so much you can take before enough is enough. And we're far from alone in thinking this. Peter Robinson and Martin McGuiness should consider that before they open their mouths.
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@nick-techie Come and join me in London we can go and see beheadings in the street, Islamic patrols attacking people in Shoreditch or maybe we could sign up to join the jihad in Finsbury Park Mosque.

@sinnerboy I lived in Finchley for a year. I had Muslim neighbours who were lovely people. Comparing the Islamic fundamentalists in Shoreditch to the average Muslim is like comparing your average churchgoer with a member of the UVF.

Wise up.

@nick-techie @sinnerboy You want to come up to Southall and see how the Islamic hoards are carrying on. I too know Muslims and know how nice they can be, but I have also seen how others operate in the capital city, The number of no go areas after dark and some during the day are increasing. Only last month I had to fend of an attack from a small group of youths whilst cycling through Southall, my crime being white and a kaffir, their words not mine, keep your eyes closed and head in the sand, the rest of us will live in reality.

@nick-techie And I haven't had the same issues here? I've been attacked for possibly being a Catholic or possibly being a Protestant. There are idiots in every community but you don't attack the Community as a whole. That breeds isolation, bitterness and resentment and only causes more problems.

We need cooperation, understanding and education to solve those type of problems.

@nick-techie Been there got the tee-shirt, always found it best to know everyone's tribal songs. Not tarring anyone with a brush, just pointing out that there are problems all over the world and that it isn't just a Norn Iron thing.


@sinnerboy You're definitely right but we've more than our fair share of them and I'm getting fed up of it. A lot of people in my generation are getting fed up of it and will leave as a result of all the issues this country has and that our "leaders" refuse to address. That's a reality.

It is amazingly arrogant that Pete thinks he can make flippant coments like he did.  We are seeing a rise in racism and homophobia in NI and our premier statesman says "i would trust one of them to go to the shops for me". 
Frankly unreal and i fel for Anna Lo, she is clearly banging her head against a brick wall.  In NI we have religious extremism at the top of our government and its high time they were forced out.

Robinson in all his bigoted glory. These views are more prevalent in NI than people like to let on. 

Get out Anna. The province is a dump. Follow the lead of countless capable and ambitious people before you and live somewhere where your talents will be appreciated by mainstream society and not just the enlightened few.