Manus Deery: Family angry after coroner suspends inquest
Manus Deery, 15, was shot dead in the Bogside in May 1972
The sister of a Londonderry teenager shot dead by a soldier in the Bogside 40 years ago has said she is angry that his inquest has been suspended.
Earlier this year, Attorney General John Larkin ordered a new inquest into the death of 15-year-old Manus Deery who was killed in 1972.
On Thursday, it was suspended along with 14 others by Northern Ireland's senior coroner John Leckey.
Mr Leckey said Mr Larkin may have exceeded his powers.
Helen Deery said the family was given fresh hope when it was announced in June there would be an inquest into her brother's killing.
"We were delighted and so were the witnesses because they were given the opportunity to stand up and tell the truth," she said.
"It was our chance to lay him to rest but that has been denied now as well.
"As a family we are gutted, it has been postponed for 40 years, why any longer?"
Helen Deery questioned why John Leckey decided to postpone the inquests.
"I don't think he had the right to do that at all. These inquests should have been done 40 years ago.
"What do I tell my grandchildren? Are we second-class citizens still and where is the peace process?
"We had great hope in the summer when we heard there was going to be an inquest.
"It was brilliant for the family, but now again that has been pulled away from us. It seems to be a stalling process.
"I would ask John Leckey to overturn his decision, it is a disgrace. "It shouldn't be within his power.
"He can't deny an inquest into the killing of a 15-year-old boy."
Manus Deery, 15, was shot dead in the Bogside in May 1972.
The Army maintains that a soldier in a lookout post on Derry's walls fired at what appeared to be a gunman about 200 metres away, missed, and that the ricochet fatally injured the teenager.
His family have always disputed the Army's version.
Low Intensity Operations is a controversial, prophetic book, on the conduct of modern warfare. Published in 1971 and written by Frank Kitson while working with the British Ministry of Defence, on how the army should deal with insurgency operations. Its propositions evolved into the massacre of Bloody Sunday and the death of 10 Irish Hunger Strikers imprisoned in British Occupied Ireland. To understand how the British deal with revolutionary resistance, to their Occuption, one must read Low Intensity Operations. It is still being used in Occupied Ireland today, particularly within the Prison, in collaboration with the DUP/Sinn Fein Adminstration at Stormont, using embedded British Agents, using Dirty War tactics,to break Irish POWs, as they attempted with Bobby Sands and his comrades. These Dirty War tactics, are also being used today in the conveyor belt system, that is interning by remand, numerous other innocent Irish republicans, attempting to exercise Free Speech and other peaceful methods of protest, against the British Police State. Currently, there is unrest again today, with the POWs being abused again and currently in lockdown, as a result of provocation, by the British Agents adminstering injustice and provocation as per their DirtyWar manual. This is occurring daily for the last twenty years, since the signing of the Pseudo Peace Process, which in reality was a consequence of Sinn Fein's surrender,to Dirty War tactics, followed by their collaboration in the pstchological torture of the POWs and sanitizing, Political Internment by remand. The Pedo Poachers, have become the Gamekeepers for British Occupation in Ireland. According to an anonymous whistleblower within Sinn Fein, they discussed with Tory leaders, while dining in Buckingham Palace with the Queen, the implementation of draconian austerity measures, along with the logistics of eliminating any politcal opposition, with expanding Political Internment, after the current election. Of course in any type of Democracy, none of this would be possible, without a compliant, corrupt media. Irish Blog asks you to make a stand against the Irish Presstitute Media. We often complain about the mainstream, corporate media, but few of us are actually prepared to work to challenge the disinformation and lies, that has led to so much needless human suffering on the Island. We know what the problem is, but most of us are complacent. We prefer to leave the effort, to bring about positive, change, to others. We each must take responsibility. Quality information is a key part of personal and community empowerment. We must seek it out from reliable sources, without a commerial or exclusively, self-serving political agenda, and share it with others, to empower our communities and defend ourselves against economic and political treason, by those whom we elect. This can often be simple to create, sometimes made complex to share, with modern censorship technology, but we must try, for our own sake and others, to have balance, in the Age of Self. The Irish Presstitute Media, are engaged in the deception and exploitation of our people and abuse of our resistance activists. We must also resist, in a peaceful broad front, while still keeping our own particular identity or parties identity, to the fore, along with our demands, in street protest. We must call our media and elected political collaborators to account, and boycott tactically in solidarity. In the event of British State violence, we must defend ourselves by any means necessary. With persistence, we will liberate ourselves, our island and together determine our own future, free from outside interference and oppression.
British Weaponized Ignorance in Ireland, since the signing of the Pseudo Peace Processs twenty years ago, without a Truth & Reconciliation element, is now almost complete, with the internment of the Chairperson of The Irish Anti-Internment League, Dee Fennell earlier this week. This current reality in Ireland, with the possible exception of Social Media and just a couple of journalists, being the exception, in the Irish mainstream media. The threat of political internment, assassination, coupled with self-censorship, has sucessfully, hidden the harsh reality of Ireland, from the World. Coupled with a ruling undemocratic Junta, of the bestial Orange Order and pedophile Sinn Fein, the absence of a dialectic, guarantees an explosion of violence, that will make the troubles of the last 45 years, comparatively, seem like a storm in a tea cup. The article below from the British Guardian, demontrates this clearly.
Belfast ‘shamed’ after university cancels Charlie Hebdo conference
Northern Irish author Robert McLiam Wilson criticises Queen’s University Belfast after it calls off discussion of the killings in Paris for security reasons
Flowers and pens in Paris commemorate the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine in January, in which 12 people were killed. Queen’s University Belfast has cancelled a conference on the shootings, over security fears. Photograph: Michael Bunel/Michael Bunel/NurPhoto/Corbis
An award-winning novelist has said he is ashamed of his native city because of the decision by Queen’s University Belfast to cancel an academic conference on the Charlie Hebdo massacre for security reasons.
Robert McLiam Wilson, the Paris-based author of Ripley Bogle and Eureka Street, described the cancellation of the event in the face of an unspecified security threat as “not cowardice or surrender. It is part of a long defeat in an unfought war.”
McLiam Wilson, who writes for the French satirical magazine, said he could not believe that a city like Belfast that had endured decades of violence would call off the conference.
Speaking from his home in Paris, the author, who was born in west Belfast, said: “I am feeling a touch of shame today. Cancelling such an event in the face of putative menace in a city that endured a 30-year torture of self-immolation seems worse than pusillanimous. Belfast? Seriously? This is not the city I remember. This cancellation says, with trumpeting clarity, that there is no debate because there can be no debate. There is a big boat that can’t be rocked.”
He added: “Charlie Hebdo is anti plenty of things. But it is not anti-Arab or anti-Israeli or anti-immigrant. No one gets more grief than Front National leader Marine Le Pen and loopy rightwinger Nicolas Sarkozy. If you speak French, it’s pretty hard to deny what Charlie really is. It is, monotonously, rigorously and sometimes unamusingly anti-arsehole. I am beyond proud to write for Charlie. And not, today, so proud of the city of my birth.”
The novelist has been living in Paris for more than a decade and has written three books in English. Eureka Street was adapted for BBC television in 1999 and is partly set in the Holylands district close to Queen’s University. McLiam Wilson has also written a television documentary on paramilitary punishment attacks in Belfast and recently recorded an essay for Radio 4 about his love for Paris in the aftermath of the attack by two gunmen on the Charlie Hebdo offices in January, in which 12 people were killed.
A conference to discuss the implications of the attack on the magazine involving academics, novelists, journalists and commentators was due to take place at the Queen’s University institute for collaborative research in the humanities in June.
The institute claimed that the university’s vice-chancellor, Patrick Johnston, had cancelled the event because of the security risk and concerns for the university’s reputation.
An email circulated by the institute this week said: “The vice-chancellor at Queen’s University Belfast has made the decision just this morning that he does not wish our symposium to go ahead.
“He is concerned about the security risk for delegates and about the reputation of the university.”
On Wednesday, Queen’s University denied that the cancellation of the conference had anything to do with academic freedom.
A spokesperson said: “As part of managing the health and safety of the institution it is a requirement for all major events to have a full risk assessment completed prior to them going ahead on the campus. Unfortunately, the proposed symposium organised by the institute for collaborative research in the humanities did not have a completed risk assessment and as a result the institute has cancelled the event.
“This issue is not related to academic freedom and Queen’s continues to uphold the importance of academic freedom in a world-class institution and has demonstrated this over many years.”
However, locally based writers have joined McLiam Wilson in condemning the cancellation.
The Irish poet and playwright Damian Gorman, who has taught at Queen’s University, said: “While I’d like to, I don’t believe in the absolute freedom to do or say whatever you want to wherever you want. I wouldn’t, for example, defend someone’s right to light up in an oil refinery – literally or metaphorically.
“But, in saying that, I just don’t understand why Queen’s won’t have a conference looking at the Charlie Hebdo attacks in the round. Is that not the sort of thing universities are for?”
The award-winning Belfast-based Irish blogger Alan Meban accused the university of being influenced by commercial considerations.
“QUB has outposts internationally and perhaps there are fears for the security of staff and students. However, QUB’s reference to ‘reputation’ in their cancellation implies a worry about their ability to attract funding from overseas investors, particularly international students who pay premium fees.
“We need our universities to stand up for learning, reflection and free speech, rather than being bound up by bursars and budgets,” said the author of the Alan in Belfast blog.
March 05, 2015 Dee Fennell is a republican and community Activist from Ardoyne, and Chairperson of the Anti Internment League. He has been interned this week for exercising his right to Free Speech in British Occupied Ireland. Below is a piece he wrote a month ago on the Anniversary of Bobby Sands, who died on Hunger Strike.
Since yesterday was the 34th anniversary of Bobby Sands embarking on Hunger Strike, I have been reflecting on the sacrifice that he and others made. Not just those who gave their lives on hunger strike, but others like Seán Bateson who also died in jail at a very young age. Others like Paddy Kelly died as a direct result of prison administration neglect, deliberately exacerbating their illness.
But also the sacrifices that all Prisoners endure. The final months with a parent, the new births, the family occasions. The victories of their GAA club, or other sports clubs. The loss of youth. The opportunity to start a family, or their contact with their children being restricted to letters and visits.
I lifted Feargal Mac Ionnrachtaigh's book Language, Resistance and Revival and came across the following quote from Mandela:
The challenge for every prisoner, particularly every political prisoner, is how to survive prison intact, how to emerge from a prison undiminished, how to conserve and even replenish one's beliefs. Jail struggle is not a legacy issue. Jail struggle goes on today. If you want examples of people emerging from jail undiminished then think of Alex McCrory. Of Neil Hegarty. Of Scotchy Kearney. Of Ta Mc Williams. All of whom are currently in jail, having served previous terms of imprisonment.
Mandela's quote, from 1994, finishes by saying:
prison is designed to break one's spirit and destroy one's resolve. To do this the authorities attempt to exploit every weakness, demolish every initiative, negate all signs of individuality. When others who have emerged from jail describe men like those I have mentioned as "criminals", ask yourself - have they emerged undiminished? Were their beliefs replenished or reconditioned? Ask yourself are they siding with political prisoners, or are they siding with the "authorities."
With the internment of the Chairperson of the Irish Anti-Internment League, Dee Fennell, and the privatization of Irish Water, neither our rivers or speech, are any longer free. In fact a monkey in the US, has more Civil Rights, than an Irish person in Occupied Ireland, almost 45 years after the start of the Civil Rights Campaign there. Certainly with regard to Habeus Corpus and Free Speech, this is the case, as both articles below, demonstrate. I have been banned today myself, despite not being affiliated, to any political group, by Facebook, because British Agents are both censoring and carrying out a campiagn of harrassment, with numerous complaints to Facebook and group managers there. Irish Blog is being slowed by intranets, to the point, some people give up on access. However, there are still the faithful, for which I am grateful. I ask you, to please share the posts and pictures, particulery related to Political Internment and Censorship in Ireland. beir bua, brionOcleirigh
Statement by the President of Republican Sinn Féin Des Dalton
The arrest, detention charges and remand for Dee Fennell speech in Lurgan Easter Sunday is an attack on the fundamental right to have and express a political opinion as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights UN and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.This is a stark warning that both the British and the 26 counties states are determined to silence anyone who dares to question the status quo or express their opposition to British rule and partition. Last August the Minister of Justice of the 26 counties announced draconian new laws designed to silence and imprison Republicans for expressing a political opinion. Now the Stormont regime is moving along the same path. These measures can also be extended to cover all forms of political dissent, whether political, social or economic. People need to be warned against this and say it.Bodies of civil and political rights must protest against this gratuitous attack on the human rights of Irish citizens. When the centenary of the 1916 Rising fast approaching, it is obvious that the British puppet regime in Stormont is trying to silence the Irish Republicanism and take underground. Such coercive methods have failed in the past as this effort will also fail. Fin / Crioch
Apes are people too? NY judge grants human rights to chimpanzees
Chimpanzee and human DNA differ by only about 1 percent – but should chimps be given human rights? A US judge said "yes" on Monday, ruling that apes held at a New York university are covered by the same laws that let humans challenge their detention.
New York Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffe said a pair of chimpanzees held at Stony Brook University are covered by a writ of habeas corpus – a legal principle that lets people challenge the credibility of their detention. The duo, named Hercules and Leo, reside at the university for research purposes.
The lawsuit against the university was originally filed by the Nonhuman Rights Project in December 2013, in an attempt to free Hercules, Leo, and two other chimpanzees living on private property.
The courts threw out the suit, but the group has been appealing ever since, receiving a victory on Monday after convincing Jaffe that the apes are sufficiently intelligent enough to be covered under habeas corpus.
The verdict has allowed for a Stony Brook University representative to be ordered to appear in court to provide a legally acceptable reason for detaining Hercules and Leo. That hearing has been scheduled for May 6.
During the hearing, the university will respond to a petition by the animal rights group which argues that Hercules and Leo should be set free and moved to a sanctuary.
“The NhRP (Nonhuman Rights Project) has asked that Hercules and Leo be freed and released into the care of Save the Chimps, a sanctuary in Ft. Pierce, Florida. There they will spend the rest of their lives primarily on one of 13 artificial islands on a large lake in Ft. Pierce, along with 250 other chimpanzees in an environment as close to that of their natural home in Africa as can be found in North America,” the Nonhuman Rights Project wrote on its website.
However, it remains unclear whether the chimps will actually be freed.
Richard Cupp, a law professor at Pepperdine University, cautioned against reading too much into the ruling.
“The judge may merely want more information to make a decision on the legal personhood claim, and may have ordered a hearing simply as a vehicle for hearing out both parties in more depth,” he wrote in an email to Science. “It would be quite surprising if the judge intended to make a momentous substantive finding that chimpanzees are legal persons if the judge has not yet heard the other side’s arguments.”
Regardless of whether the apes are granted personhood after the hearing, the group says it plans on using the ruling as precedent in future cases.
“This is a big step forward to getting what we are ultimately seeking: the right to bodily liberty for chimpanzees and other cognitively complex animals,”Natalie Prosin, executive director of the Nonhuman Rights Project, told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
“We got our foot in the door. And no matter what happens, that door can never be completely shut again.”
A similar ruling was made in Argentina last year, with orangutans being granted the status of “non-human persons” with legal rights.
However, the verdict contradicts a separate New York ruling made just four months ago, when a court stated that a chimpanzee is not legally a person and therefore not entitled to human rights.
We soldiers of Erin, so proud of the name, We'll raise on the rebels and Frenchmen our fame; We'll fight to the last in the honest old cause, And guard our religion, our freedom and laws; We'll fight for our country, our King and his crown, And make all the traitors and croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
The rebels so bold, when they've none to oppose, To houses and haystacks are terrible foes; They murder poor parsons and likewise their wives, At the sight of a soldier they run for their lives; Whenever we march over country and town In ditches and cellars the croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
In Dublin the traitors were ready to rise And murder was seen in their lowering eyes With poison, the cowards, they aimed to succeed And thousands were doomed by the assassins to bleed. But the yeoman advanced, of rebels the dread, And each croppy soon hid his dastardly head Down, down, croppies lie down.
United in blood to the country's disgrace, They secretly shoot those they dare not to face; But whenever we catch the sly rogues in the field, A handful of soldiers makes hundreds to yield; The cowards collect but to raise our renown, For as soon as we fire the croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
While thus in this war so unmanly they wage On women, dear women, they turn their damn'd rage; We'll fly to protect the dear creatures from harm, They'll be sure to find safety when clasped in our arms; On love in a soldier no maiden will frown, But bless the brave troops that made croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
Should France e'er attempt, by fraud or by guile, Her forces to land on Erin's green isle, We'll show that they n'er can make free soldiers slaves, They shall only possess our green fields for their graves; Our country's applauses our triumphs will crown, Whilst with their French brothers the croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
When wars and when dangers again shall be o'er And peace with her blessings revisit our shore; When arms we relinquish, no longer to roam With pride will our families welcome us home: We'll drink in full bumpers past troubles to drown A health to the lads that made croppies lie down. Down, down, croppies lie down.
Oh, croppies ye'd better be quiet and still Ye shan't have your liberty, do what ye will As long as salt water is formed in the deep A foot on the necks of the croppy we'll keep And drink, as in bumpers past troubles we drown, A health to the lads that made croppies lie down Down, down, croppies lie down.
Aine Tyrell was raped by her father Billy, as a child. Aine said her uncle, Gerry Adams, President of Provisional Sinn Fein, did not do enough, to stop his brother Billy, subsequently working with children, after he raped her, from the age of four. Gerry Adams said, he tried to help her and that he tried to have his brother stopped, from working with children in Belfast, after Aine, "repeatedly" told Gerry, that his brother Billy, was working with young people in Belfast. Aine claimed the West Belfast MP said, he could not tell colleagues his brother was a paedophile, in order to protect her anonymity, however, Aine said, she would have waived her right to anonymity "without hesitation". She said, that she raised concerns with Gerry Adams frequently, from late 2003 to late 2005, stating, "I said I was very concerned that Liam was seeking jobs, working with children. Gerry told me that it was Billy's way, of trying to make up to the community, for what he did to me. I kept telling Gerry, to get Liam out of the youth groups." Gerry Adams replied, that he told the authorities at a youth project in Clonard, where Liam Adams worked part-time, between 1998 and 2003, about the allegations against his brother, however, the authorities at Clonard, said they have no record of any complaint against Billy Adams. Billy also worked with children in Beechmount, between 2004 and 2006. There are many questions, on how Liam Adams, was allowed to remain a member of Sinn Fein when its President, his brother, knew of child rape charges against him. Gerry Adams was photographed, smiling with his brother Billy, during an election canvass in Dundalk in 1997, ten years after he was aware of the child rape charges. Gerry Adams says, that he told his brother Billy, that it was inappropriate for him to be seen, on an election canvass in public, as he was the President of Provisional Sinn Fein. He added that he tried to have Billy Adams expelled from his party Provisional Sinn Fein, however, Provisional Sinn Fein have confessed that Billy held a number of senior positions in Belfast, since that time. In fact, it is still unclear, whether Billy Adams is still a member of his brother's party, despite being found guilty eventually of these crimes, and sentenced to 16 years in prison. Recently an appeal, judgement was reserved on the matter, where Billy is expected to be released early, however he cannot canvass for Provisional Sinn Fein, as the judgement and release, is being delayed, until after the current election. Gerry Adams has accused journalists of smearing him and his party. His supporters, who have been accused of being a cult, have conducted an incessant campaign, to have articles such as this censored in Ireland. If you would like to help un-censor these facts, please share this on Social Media ,because thousands of parents of raped children in Ireland, who appear to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, are voting and supporting, the Gerry Adams' Party, which has a track record, like all the other establishment parties in Ireland, such as the Unionist Parties, Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and Labour, of enabling the systemic rape, of tens of thousands of Irish children, while still in denial, about the extremely serious nature of Child Rape.
British Pedo Politics Rule Ireland. For example, just one British Prime Minister in the last 40 Years, did not engage in Paedophillia. There has been absolutely, despicable crimes and covert operations, that YOU PAY & VOTE FOR, committed in Ireland by this ruling elite. Britain & Ireland, is run disgracefully by Paedophile Rings in the British Government. We are run by a disgraceful bunch of Royal Pedophiles, who have been taking children, to be raped, in the Tavistok Insitute, since 1926 and it is only now, that people, are awakening to the sickest Royal Family in History.
With regard to Ireland, each such predators, are compromised by British Intelligence, in such a way, that whoever they have evidence on, that could expose them, they have total control over their actions and they own them, for the purposes of the British elite and their rule of lawlessness in Ireland, protected by their Officials Secrets Act, copperfastened by their secret courts. They may also groom potential victims at a young age, to become nodes of power an influence in the future, which includes Irish policing.
Generally, we regard blackmail, as a means of extracting money, but when British Intelliegence, have the evidence on an Irish politician, lawyer, judge, prosecutor, prison adminsitrator, or on a President, it is far more valuable. They have the Irish political elite, media, and intelligence agencies under their control, resulting in the current reality, where anything is possible. This is how they create puppets, willing to switch wars, on and off for them, with paranormal, paramilitary, tactics.
These Paedos are also thieving your hard earned money in every concievable way, then use it for Black Propaganda and Op’s. This means that you a british taxpayer, paid to kill Princes Diana and YOUfunded the Yorkshire Ripper. The BBC licence, pays for some of this BLACK PROPAGANDA & BLACK OPS. STOP PAYING YOUR TV LICENCE IT IS ILLEGAL. Have a look at the Corbett report below.
Originating from Buckingham Palace, Arse Biscuits describes the phaecal matter that is not properly wiped from the rectum after excreting phoeses. Consequently, the remaining phaecal matter hardens and becomes entwined within the pubic hair to form what is known as "Arse Biscuits". Her majesty employs the lingual services of paedo sinners, to deal with this problem. An investigation is to be launched into the serial killings carried out by the British agent known as Stakeknife and other Crown agents secretly inside the Provisional IRA. The Police Ombudsman’s Office is examining allegations that British military intelligence, directed executions of ‘informers’ by their own spies, operating within the IRA.The inquiry by the Historical Investigations Directorate is focusing on the role of the double-agent known as Stakeknife, who ran the IRA’s counter intelligence section. At least 20 such killings are to be investigated in of the most sinister aspects of the conflict.Stakeknife has been identified as Freddie Scappaticci, a republican who fled Belfast after being named as a double agent, more than a decade ago. Scappaticci was a close friend of the former republican leadership above. He has always denied working for British military intelligence and continues to deny being Stakeknife. Relatives of those interrogated by the IRA have recently launched compensation cases against the British government. Some have argued that genuine republicans were executed as ‘informers’ in order to protect other British spies. In some instances, the families of executed ‘informers’ have alleged, that their loved ones, were set up, simply to provide cover for the British government’s most important double-agents, inside the IRA. The ombudsman’s office has written to Kevin Winters, one of the lawyers representing the victims, to confirm that a “thematic approach” inquiry is under way.The allegations include claims, that some killings could have been prevented and that people were subsequently protected from investigation and prosecution. There has been growing pressure by the victims for a full-scale inquiry into Britain’s handling of spies within the IRA. Winters met the ombudsman this week to discuss the investigation. In a statement released afterwards, his Belfast law firm, KRW Law, welcomed the development. It said other official agencies had, until now, been reluctant to look at common themes such as the use of informers and the mechanisms of collusion involved. KRW Law said: “The initiative of the ombudsman ... makes sense on resource grounds and more importantly on the grounds that in identifying the thematic links in ‘complex’ investigations, initially regarding the operation of the RUC, the extent of collusion will be revealed and the nearer victims will be to fulfilling their quest for truth, justice and accountability.” A former British military intelligence officer, Ian Hurst, has publicly offered to give evidence about the role of Stakeknife to the ombudsman. Hurst has previously provided information about the British agents involved in the loyalist murder of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane. Hurst, who served in the murderous ‘Force Research Unit’ of MI5, has confirmed that in many cases, republicans accused of being informers, were ordered to be killed, simply to protect the double agent’s reputation.
The Anthrax Coverup Exposed
By Paul Craig Roberts
Update: Both Senator Leahy and Senator Daschle were in positions capable of blocking the neo-Nazi PATRIOT Act. Both senators had negotiated with the Bush regime changes in the act that made it less tyrannical. However, the changes were not in the final draft of the act sent to Congress. Consequently, Leahy and Daschle were resisting the rush to passage. I have often wondered if Leahy and Daschle understood the anthrax letters to be Washington’s warning: “Get out of the way of Tyranny or we will kill you.”
April 18, 2015 "ICH" - Graeme MacQueen’s 2014 book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, has been vindicated by the head of the FBI’s Anthrax Investigation.
Four and one-half months ago I posted a review of MacQueen’s book.http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/12/02/2001-anthrax-deception-case-domestic-conspiracy/ The hired government apologists, the despicable presstitute media, and the usual gullible patriots greeted the book with screams of “conspiracy theory.” In fact, MacQueen’s book was a carefully researched project that established that there indeed was a conspiracy–a conspiracy inside the government.
It was obvious to any person familiar with the techniques that governments use to erode liberty by destroying the protection given to citizens by law that the purpose of the anthrax letters, especially the letters to senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle, was to raise the fear level in order to guarantee the passage of the tyrannical PATRIOT Act.
The PATRIOT Act was a decisive blow against American liberty. The act has served to negate the US Constitution in the 21st century and to endow the federal government with unaccountable and tyrannical powers.
In a court filing, Richard Lambert says that as the agent in charge of the investigation he was obstructed and impeded in his investigation for four years by the FBI’s Washington Field Office, by apathy and error from the FBI Laboratory, by erroneous legal decisions, and by politically motivated communication embargoes from FBI Headquarters.
As Lambert has filed a case in US District Court, it will be difficult for Washington to have him assassinated. However, Washington can still use its presstitutes against him.
Lambert says that there was far more exculpatory evidence in Bruce Ivins behalf than there was orchestrated circumstantial evidence against him. Ivins was Washington’s scapegoat after the orchestrated case against Steven Hatfill fell apart and Washington had to pay Hatfill $4.6 million for defamation. Lambert says the evidence was not sufficient for a court conviction of Ivins, who conveniently died or was murdered, and thus could be blamed without conviction.
Scientists have conclusively proven that the anthrax in the letters was advanced bio-weapons technology to which Ivins had no access.
Lambert’s accusations filed in federal court have the capability of exposing the entire 9/11 deception. It will be interesting to see if Washington can again prevail over law and truth and whether the American public will remain insouciant and content in their Matrix existence.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.
Disabled and elderly to suffer as community transport budget slashed by a third in £60m DRD cuts
Community transport is to have its budget slashed with Danny Kennedy told to make £60m savings
BY ADRIAN RUTHERFORD – 18 APRIL 2015 Funding for community transport schemes across Northern Ireland is being slashed because of cutbacks, it has been revealed.
Up to a third could be wiped from budgets as a result of financial pressures, groups have been told.
Transport Minister Danny Kennedy needs to make savings of £60m this year, leading to reductions in spending across the board.
The move is likely to affect the most vulnerable in society, including the disabled and the elderly.
One community transport scheme based in Co Down said it had seen its funding sliced from £428,303 to £323,542 - a drop of 25%.
Another group in the Causeway area said funding for schemes there could be reduced by a third.
Ukip MLA David McNarry, a member of Stormont's regional development committee, has vowed to fight the cutbacks. "This is striking right at the heart of very vulnerable people in their communities," he said.
Community transport partnerships provide accessible door-to-door and group travel services to older people and people with disabilities.
The services are run by a wide range of community operators.
However, the Department for Regional Development (DRD), which helps to finance community transport, is cutting back on funding. Among the groups affected is Compass Advocacy Network, which helps people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues throughout the Causeway area.
Its director Janet Schofield said the group had been told that a third of all provision has been cut across the board. "We recognise that the current financial situation means sacrifices have to be made," she said.
"However, this is another example of the most vulnerable in our society being hit and the lack of respect for the services provided by the voluntary and community sector." One of the group's users attends a 'Base' project three times a week.
She said: "I live in a tiny village outside Ballymena. I can't drive, there are no buses where I live and my mum works from home so it's impossible for her to take me in to the Base in the morning.
"Community transport is a lifeline as it means I can get to my work and to the Base."
The cutbacks are due to be discussed when DRD officials appear before the regional development committee next week.
Mr Kennedy said that since becoming minister in 2011, he had protected the baseline budget for community transport year on year and, where possible, supplemented it with in-year funding.
He added: "My department will be working closely with the service providers to explore ways of delivering the service in a more cost-efficient manner and will seek to minimise the impact on the end user."
DRD said the grant to rural community transport had been cut from £2.75m to £2.4m.
Additional money made available last year, raising the grant to £3.6m, is unlikely to be available this time.
My View: Most vulnerable in society are hit again
By Janet Schofield
Our group works with people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues throughout the Causeway area.
In the last two days we have had a steady stream of service users, parents and carers concerned about the cuts to community transport.
Community transport is provided for some of the most vulnerable people in our society including people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities. The vast majority of our service users are unable to drive and, as a rural area, many public transport links are inaccessible or individuals are not able to travel on public transport independently.
If the people who depend on community transport could use public transport, they would.
More often than not, the community transport provision makes the difference between someone being at home and someone being at their job, at college, at one of the projects we run or training for work.
The knock-on effect of these cuts will be devastating to individuals, parents and carers at a time when welfare reform is already causing significant worry.
This isn't a free service - our members contribute towards their fare but it is subsidised, making it an affordable alternative to private taxis.
We have been told that a third of all provision has been cut across the board.
Further cuts to community transport will mean that many of our service users will be unable to avail of services, education, work placements, training placements, jobs, and social and leisure opportunities.
We recognise that the current financial situation means sacrifices have to be made.
However, this is another example of the most vulnerable in our society being hit and the lack of respect for the services provided by the voluntary and community sector. Janet Schofield is director of Compass Advocacy Network (CAN), a charitable user-led organisation that provides services to more than 250 people
Chomsky Says US, Irish Blog says UK is World’s Biggest Terrorist
By Euro News
April 18, 2015 "ICH" - "Euronews" - Isabelle Kumar: “The world in 2015 seems a very unsettled place but if we take a big picture view do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the general state of play?”
Noam Chomsky: “In the global scene we are racing towards a precipice which we are determined to fall over which will sharply reduce the prospects for decent survival.”
Isabelle Kumar: “What precipice is that?”
Noam Chomsky: “There are actually two, one is environmental catastrophe which is imminent and we don’t have a lot of time to deal with it and we are going the wrong way, and the other has been around for 70 years, the threat of nuclear war, which is in fact increasing. If you look at the record it is a miracle we have survived.”
Isabelle Kumar: “Let’s look at the environmental issues, we have asked our social media audience to send in questions and we have hordes of questions. We received this question from Enoa Agoli who asks, when you look at this issue of the environment and you look at it through a philosopher’s lens, what do you think about climate change?”
Noam Chomsky: “The human species has been around for maybe a 100,000 years and it is now facing a unique moment in its history. This species is now in a position where it will decide very soon, in the next few generations, whether the experiment in so-called intelligent life will proceed or are we determined to destroy it? I mean scientists overwhelmingly recognise that most of the fossil fuels have to be left in the ground if our grandchildren are going to have decent prospects. But the institutional structures of our society are pressuring to try to extract every drop. The effects, the human consequences, of the predicted effects of climate change in the not very distant future, are catastrophic and we are racing toward that precipice.”
Isabelle Kumar: “In terms of nuclear war we see the prospect of this Iran deal has reached a preliminary agreement. Does that provide you with a glimmer of hope that the world could potentially be a safer place?”
Noam Chomsky: “I’m in favour of the Iran negotiations but they are profoundly flawed. There are two states that rampage in the middle east carrying out aggressions, violence, terrorist acts, illegal acts, constantly. They’re both huge nuclear weapon states and their nuclear armorments. And their nuclear weapons are not being considered.”
Isabelle Kumar: “And who exactly are you referring to?”
Noam Chomsky: “The United States and Israel. The two major nuclear states in the world. I mean there’s a reason why, in international polls, run by US polling agencies, the United States is regarded as the greatest threat to world peace by an overwhelming margin. No other country is even close. It’s kind of interesting that the US media refused to publish this. But it doesn’t go away.”
Isabelle Kumar: “You don’t hold US President Obama in very high esteem. But does this deal make you think of him in slightly better terms? The fact that he is trying to reduce the threat of nuclear war?”
Noam Chomsky: “ Well, actually he isn’t. He’s just initiated a trillion dollar programme of modernisation of the US nuclear weapon system, which means expanding the nuclear weapon system. That’s one the reasons why the famous doomsday clock, established by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has, just a couple of weeks ago, been pushed two minutes closer to midnight. Midnight is the end. It’s now three minutes from midnight. That’s the closest it’s been in thirty years. Since the early Regan years when there was a major war scare.”
Isabelle Kumar: “You mentioned the US and Israel in terms of Iran. Now, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu obviously doesn’t want the Iran nuclear deal to work, and he says…”
Noam Chomsky: “That’s interesting. We should ask why.”
Isabelle Kumar: “Why?
Noam Chomsky: “We know why. Iran has very low military expenditures, even by the standards of the region, let alone the United States. Iran’s strategic doctrine is defensive, it’s designed to hold off an attack long enough for diplomacy to start, and the United States and Israel, the two rogue states, do not want to tolerate a deterrent. No strategic analyst with a brain function thinks that Iran would ever use a nuclear weapon. Even if it were prepared to do so the country would simply be vaporised and there’s no indication that the ruling clerics, whatever you think about the, want to see everything they have destroyed.”
Isabelle Kumar: “Just one more question on this issue and it’s via social media, from Morten A. Andersen. He asks, “Do you believe that the US would ever strike a deal that would be dangerous to Israel in the first place?”
Noam Chomsky: “The United States is carrying out constant actions which are dangerous to Israel, very seriously. Namely supporting Israeli policy. For the last 40 years the greatest threat to Israel has been its own policies. If you look back 40 years, say to 1970, Israel was one of the most respected and admired countries in the world. There were lots of favorable attitudes to it. Now, it’s one of the most disliked and feared countries in the world. In the early 70s Israel made a decision. They had a choice and they made a decision to prefer expansion to security and that carries with it dangerous consequences. Consequences which were obvious at the time – I wrote about them and other people did – if you prefer expansion to security it is going to lead to internal degeneration, anger, opposition, isolation and possibly ultimate destruction. And by supporting those policies, the United States is contributing to the threats that Israel faces.”
Isabelle Kumar: “That’s brings me to the subject of terrorism then. Because that is really a global blight and some people, I think including yourself, will say that this is blowback for US terrorist policy around the world. How far is the US and its allies responsible for what we’re seeing now in terms of the terrorist attacks around the world?”
Noam Chomsky: “Remember the worst terrorist campaign in the world by far is the one that’s being orchestrated in Washington. That’s the global assassination campaign. There’s never been a terrorist campaign of that scale.”
Isabelle Kumar: “When you say global assassination campaign…?”
Noam Chomsky: “The drone campaign – that’s exactly what it is. Over large parts of the world, the United States is systematically, publically, openly – there’s nothing secret about what I’m saying, we all know it – it’s carrying out regular campaigns to assassinated people who the US government suspects of intending to harm it someday. And indeed it is, as you mentioned, a terror generated campaign, and when you bomb a village in Yemen, say, and you kill somebody – maybe the person you were aiming at maybe not – and other people who happened to be in the neighbourhood – how do you think they are going to react? They’re going to take revenge.”
Isabelle Kumar: “You describe the US as the leading terrorist state. Where does Europe fit into that picture then?”
Noam Chomsky: “Well, that’s an interesting question. So for example there was recently a study. I think it was done by the Open Society Foundation… the worst form of torture is rendition. Rendition means you take somebody you suspect of something, and you send them off to your favourite dictator, maybe Assad or Gadaffi or Mubarak, to be tortured, hoping that maybe something will come out of it. That’s extraordinary rendition. The study reviewed the countries that participated in this, well obviously the Middle East dictatorships because that’s where they were sent to be tortured, and Europe. Most of Europe participated; England, Sweden, other countries. In fact, there’s only one region in the world where nobody participated: Latin America. Which is pretty dramatic. And first of all Latin America has now become pretty much out of US control. When it was controlled by the United States, not very long ago, it was the world’s centre of torture. Now, it didn’t participate in the worst form of torture, which is rendition. Europe participated. If the master roars, the servants cower.”
Isabelle Kumar: “So Europe is the servant of the United States?”
Noam Chomsky: “ Definitely. They are too cowardly to take an independent position.”
Isabelle Kumar: “Where does Vladimir Putin fit into this picture? He’s painted as one of the greatest threats to security. Is he?”
Noam Chomsky: “Like most leaders, he’s a threat to his own population. He’s taken illegal actions, obviously. But to depict him as a crazed monster who is suffering from brain disease and has Alzheimer’s, and is a rat-faced evil creature, that’s standard Orwellian fanaticism. I mean, whatever you think about his policies, they are understandable. The idea that Ukraine might join a Western military alliance would be quite unacceptable to any Russian leader. This goes back to 1990 when the Soviet Union collapsed. There was a question about what would happen with NATO. Now Gorbachov agreed to allow Germany to be unified and to join NATO. It was a pretty remarkable concession with a quid pro quo: that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. That was the phrase that was used.”
Isabelle Kumar: “So Russia has been provoked?”
Noam Chomsky: “Well, what happened? NATO instantly moved into East Germany and then Clinton came along and expanded NATO right to the borders of Russia. Now, the new Ukrainian government, the government established after the overthrow of the preceding one, now the parliament voted 300 to 8 or something like that, to move to join NATO.”
Isabelle Kumar: “But you can understand why they would want to join NATO, you can see why Petro Porochenko’s government would probably see it as protecting their country?”
Noam Chomsky: “No, no, no, no. That’s not protecting. Crimea was taken away after the overthrow of the government, right. And this is not protecting Ukraine, it is threatening Ukraine with major war. Now that’s not protection. The point is, this is a serious strategic threat to Russia, which any Russian leader would have to react to. That’s well understood.”
Isabelle Kumar: “If we look at the situation in Europe though, there’s also another interesting phenomenon that’s taking place. We’re seeing Greece moving towards the East, potentially, with the Syriza government. We’re also seeing Podemos, which is gaining power in Spain, also in Hungary. Do you see that there is a potential for Europe to start shirting and aligning itself more with Russian interests?”
Noam Chomsky: “Take a look at what’s happening. Hungary is a different situation entirely. Syriza came into office on the basis of a popular wave which said that Greece should no longer subject itself to policies from Brussels and the German banks which are destroying the country. The effect of these policies has been actually to increase Greece’s debt relative to its wealth production; probably a half of young people are unemployed, probably 40% of the population is living under the poverty line, Greece is being destroyed.”
Isabelle Kumar: “So should their debt be written off?”
Noam Chomsky: “Yes, just like Germany’s was. In 1953, when Europe wrote off most of Germany’s debt. Just like that, so that Germany would be able to reconstruct from wartime damage.”
Isabelle Kumar: “But then what about all the other European countries…?”
Noam Chomsky: “ Same story.”
Isabelle Kumar: “So Portugal should have its debt written off, Spain should have its debt written off…?”
Noam Chomsky: “Who incurred this debt? And who is the debt owed to? In part, the debt was incurred by dictators. So in Greece it was the fascist dictatorship, which the US supported, that incurred a large part of the debt. The debt I think was more brutal than the dictatorship, and that’s what’s called in international law, “odious debt” which need not be paid, and that’s a principal introduced into international law by the United States, when it was in their interest to do so. Much of the rest of the debt, what is called payments to Greece are in fact payments to banks, German and French banks, which had decided to make extremely risky loans with not very high interest and are now being faced with the fact that they can’t be paid back.”
Isabelle Kumar: “I’d like to ask this question now, from Gil Gribaudo, who asks, “How will Europe transform then, versus the existential challenges it’s facing?” Because yes there’s the economic crisis, and there’s also a rise in nationalism, and you’ve also described some cultural fault lines which have been created across Europe. How do you see Europe transforming itself?”
Noam Chomsky: “ Europe has serious problems. Some of the problems are the result of economic policies designed by the bureaucrats in Brussels, the European Commission and so on, under the pressure of NATO and the big banks, mostly German ones. These policies make some sense from the point of view of the designers. For one thing they want to be paid back for their risky and hazardous loans and investments, and the other thing is that these policies are eroding the welfare state, which they’ve never liked. But the welfare state is one of Europe’s major contributions to modern society, but the rich and powerful have never liked it and the fact that these policies are eroding it is good from their point of view. There’s another problem in Europe, it’s extremely racist. I’ve always felt that Europe is probably more racist than the United States. It wasn’t as visible in Europe because the European populations in the past tended to be pretty homogeneous. So if everybody is blonde and blue-eyed, then you don’t seem racist, but as soon as the population begins to change racism comes out of the woodwork. Very fast. And that’s a serious cultural problem in Europe.”
Isabelle Kumar: “I’d like to end, because we’re very short of time, with a question from Robert Light on a more positive note. He asks, “What gives you hope?”
Noam Chomsky: “ What gives me hope is a couple of things we’ve talked about. Latin American independence for example. That’s of historic significance. We’re going to see it right now, in the Summit of Americas meeting in Panama. In the recent hemispheric meetings, the United States has been completely isolated. It’s a radical change from 10 or 20 years ago, when the United States ran [Latin American affairs]. In fact the reason why Obama made his gestures towards Cuba was to try to overcome American, US isolation. It’s the US that’s isolated, not Cuba. And probably it will fail. We will see. The signs for optimism in Europe are Syriza and Podemos. Hopefully there is finally a popular uprising against the the crushing, destructive economic and social policies that come from the bureaucracy and the banks, and that’s very hopeful. Should be.”
Isabelle Kumar: “Noam Chomsky, many thanks for being with us.”