Saturday, 21 September 2013
Thursday, 19 September 2013
LiFe after DeAth - man dies 3 times & has INFO 2 share ..... from sir wiseman on Myspace.
Dannion Brinkley was struck 3 times by lightning and was clinically dead all 3 times . Many people around the world have experienced the afterlife but perhaps not as well documented as Dannion Brinkley. some of this man's amazing , experiences in the afterlife, are recounted in this video.
I had a very strange day today, Last night my wife told me, that a co-worker's mother's father had come back from the dead for the third time, after having died 3 times. I found this very difficult to believe, so I asked her to check the details again today, with her co-worker.
It was again confirmed, with the added detail, that when he woke up on the last occasion, he asked for a brandy drink called Regency, something that normally old village men in Isaan, are not normally familiar with, as it is way out of their price range and experience. They just drink local homebrew normally. This man normally drinks very little and is around 90 years of age. He simply smelled the brandy without drinking it and went back to sleep.
Three weeks ago this elderly man died, for about four hours. His pulse in his wrist and neck were completely gone. His heartbeat and breath were gone The day before yesterday, he died again and the same thing happened for about three hours, while yesterday, it happened again for another two hours, with all the necessary checks done thorougly. Needles to day his family, particularly his daughters, are extremely upset and beside themeselves, with alternating grief and joyf. This is significant for Buddhists in Thailand, not least because bodies are burned sooner rather than later, which begs a lot of questions about how we manage death.
Prior to this, strangely, just before all of this happened, I had spoken about such an eventuallity to my wife, about waiting in any event, sufficently long to check. Since recent events around Syria, I personallly have been finding world events rather surreal, along with other people. Normally I am not a religious person but I have had several recent spiritual experiences and this morning at Surin Beach, Phuket, it was like that. Oddly the events I describe here happened in Surin Isaan, more than a thoudand kilometers away. I tried tonight to contact the local media about it unsuccessfully.
As a result of all of this, I have done some research on the internet and found the above video, which I find equally amazing. The interview rings true to me and is fascininating to me and frankly I have not settled down yet about the details. Normally I would dismiss all of this, as wacky religion but it rings true to me at the moment, particularly with the news I have been relayed personally, which is not out there yet. I have a feeling this is far more frequent, than admitted but I guess it would be too scary to have it out there, for too many people. Recent events, particularly in the Middle-east and Ireland, make me more than a little paranoid, as has proven to be the case with the massive cover-up, around the nuclear meltdown in Japan. I wonder what you think?
Khorat Plateau
Similar Home Awaiting Photos:
A very special House for Sale, Lease or Rent in Phuket, Thailand. It is a three bedroomed, two storied, detached house, with two toilets and three showers, one outdoor in a small garden. Recently built within the last 10 years, personally supervised to the highest international standards.
Located beside several well known 5 star international resorts in Laguna and Amanpuri, it is beside the sea which, you can hear on a wild night.Located beside a beach of golden sand, more than 10 kilometres long, it is within a 5 minute walk. It is also within 10 minutes of Laguna Golf course, with several other international golf courses, nearby.
Phuket known as the pearl of Andaman, has been paradise for this owner and this house a wonderful peaceful haven of much joy. Security is very good, in a dafe neighbourhood, of good watchful, caring neighbours. It is also a location, with considerable business potential, with a good passing quiet, tourist, trade.
The option of five or ten year lease also is also available for discussion, as I would dearly love the option of retiring in such a home myself again, on such an exotic island, with good food, neighbours and idyllic pleasures, at the right time.
Because I need to return to Ireland very soon, for personal reasons, I will reluctantly let it go. Genuine initial inquiries for truthful information are welcome, You may email me at
Phuket, Thailand

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
National - Event Notice
Wednesday September 18 2013
06:00 PM
Wednesday September 18 2013
06:00 PM
A people's assembly and protest at the Dail
Enough is Enough! - A PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY outside DAIL EIREANN, 6pm SEPTEMBER 18TH
FIVE YEARS after the onset of economic crisis, the policy of bank bail-outs and austerity is a disastrous failure. Unemployment remains at crisis levels and tens of thousands of educated young people leave the country every year.
Over 180,000 people are unable to pay their mortgages; poverty and homelessness are on the rise; and workers’ pay, conditions and rights are under serious attack . Vulnerable groups such as those with disabilities, mental health issues, special needs or lone parents are repeatedly attacked. Our health, education and public services are being cut to ribbons.
We need to come together to co-ordinate resistance to further cuts and austerity taxes in the forthcoming budget.
We urgently need:
• A united movement that demands an alternative - jobs, services, protection of the vulnerable and our environment and real democracy.
• A people’s coalition that brings together workers, the unemployed, young people, pensioners, the disabled, struggling mortgage holder, community and environmental groups.
On the Wednesday September 18th - when the Dáil resumes after the summer break - a mass ‘People’s Assembly’ will take place outside the gates of the Dáil.This won’t be a once off demonstration. It will be the beginning of building new people’s movement for change.
Don’t get angry and do nothing – be there!
Supported by:
Unite, Mandate, People Before Profit Alliance, Sinn Fein, Single Parents Acting for Rights for Kids (SPARK), The Woodland League, The Natural Resources Protection Alliance, The Bakers Food & Allied Workers Union, Socialist Workers Party, Donegal Campaign Against Household and Water Tax, Donegal Action Against Austerity, West Cork Community Alliance, Cork Feminista, Ant-Racism Network, Anti-Deportation Ireland, Action on X, Feminist Open Forum, Irish Anti-War Movement.
Richard Boyd Barrett TD, Aengus O`Snodaigh TD, Fr. Peter McVerry John Halligan TD, Thomas Pringle TD, Catherine Murphy TD, Patrick Nulty TD, Maureen O'Sullivan TD, Tommy Broughan TD, Finian McGrath TD
When: 6pm, Weds 18th Sept 2013
Dail Eireann
Kildare St
Dublin 2
Related Link:
My favourite people, are often called prostitutes and whookers, which seriously worries me. Am I one as well ? Is that why I copy and paste so much, hoping there are plenty of socialists out there? Anyway the best whookers in the world come from Galway, when you climb into them, they are the best ride in the world. I know, I have checked, it has cost me a fortune but then either way, it costs a fortune anyway, ask any Playboy of the Western world, he'll tell you the world's a stage and some, so I'm going to get off now. The real purpose of all this, is the two copied and pasted articles and videos below, from Information Clearing House, which I recommend as a source of real news. Oh! and please don't forget Martin Corey you were great with Marian Price :
Mr. Baquet is not a free man. He and the publisher should both be ashamed of themselves.
2LT Dennis Morrisseau USArmy [armor - Vietnam era] retired
W Pawlet, VT 802 645 9727
2LT Dennis Morrisseau USArmy [armor - Vietnam era] retired
W Pawlet, VT 802 645 9727
Of course Israel gets US raw intel. immediately & has done for years.
Israel owns the US airwaves & much more having sold many of the computerized coded systems that run through Tel Aviv.
Israel owns the US airwaves & much more having sold many of the computerized coded systems that run through Tel Aviv.
About 3 years ago two Israelis and one American were caught spying on the pentagon. Eric Holder released the two Israelis saying it would be anti-Semitic to prosecute a Jew. The American is still in jail.
The NYT is not a relevant source of investigative journalism, because it reports the positions of anonymous governmental sources, which diminish credibility and build fantasy.
Many representatives should be wary of Israel.
It is not their ally/friend in the ME region.
Israel will bring down the States and many know this.
It is not their ally/friend in the ME region.
Israel will bring down the States and many know this.
martin corey,
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Violent Loyalists still attack nationalist communities in British Occupied Ireland, while traditional Irish Republicans like Martin Corey believe they should be defended, as when he was a young man in Lurgan and his community were attacked then with, whole families shot, as they have been regularly, since the formation of the sectarian scum statelet of British Occupied Ireland, a hundred years ago. Then the British Army, Royal Ulster Constabulary, and several other elements of the British armed forces, were involved in ethnic cleansing, in the murder triangle. Martin put his life on the line, as an IRA volunteer, defended his community and shot two of the RUC, the same British armed force involved in State murder of his neighbours.
Martin served almost 20 years for what most of his neighbours would regard as his patriotic defense of his community. That was almost 40 years ago now and Martin still has the same political beliefs even though he is an old man now of 63. With the intensification of internment, with secret courts, which is in fact no trial, no charge, no defence, no knowledge of sentence for Irish Republicans like Martin Corey, the fury and injustice is building again, as the British ramp up political policing to the days before the Peace Process.The proof that Britain's Secret Service are hell bent on undermining the Irish Peace Process, can be found in the contrasting treatment of Orange Order Loyalist Stephen Irwin, perpetrator of the Greysteel Massacre and the internment without charge of trial, of traditional Irish Republican, Martin Corey.
By releasing a loyalist mass murderer early, to do some more of their dirty work of British State Terrorism, provoking Irish republicans in the process, with the injustice of their internment and prejudiced secret evidence, against Martin Corey, is precisely the same injustice, that fueled the conflict for more than 40 years last time. An enduring Peace Process is bound to fail, as sure as night follows day, with such provocative injustice.
Orange Order mass murderer Stephen Irwin, freed again for the second time, on the 20th anniversary of his Greysteel massacre. Irwin previously released under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, was imprisoned again 8 years ago, for viciously slashing a fellow football fan, at a soccer match with a knife. He was told then, he would serve his full sentence, for the eight murders at the Rising Sun Bar massacre. The Orangeman was granted early release last week, by the Orange parole board, and walked out of the Orange controlled prison, after commissioners ruled his immediate release. John Dallat a moderate Member of the Stormont Parliament {SDLP MLA}, who is not compromised to the British Secret Services, described it as “unbelievably insensitive,” coming so soon, before the anniversary of the Greysteel massacre.
Not so for Martin Corey 63 year old, Irish Republican, coming up slowly but surely on four years, an interned critic of political conscience, of the still sectarian system, entrenched in Stormont. Despite the British courts demanding and ordering his freedom on constitutional grounds, an unelected prejudiced English Viceroyal, from Owen Patterson to Viceroyal Villiers, have on the word of spies lies, interned political the Irish political hostage, on Kafkaesque secret evidence in a colonial gestapo trial. Held in the most brutal conditions in Maghaberry Concentration Camp within a prison, following the closure ofLong Kesh, he has been beaten forcibly, strip searched and brutalized, while many of his former comrades remain silent or even justify and administer his political torture. These attacks on Martin Corey are not only aimed at him, but serve to remind what will happen to anyone who dares speak of a unified Ireland. To ignore Martin Corey and internment without trial is to turn a blind eye to the criminalization of politics in British Occupied Ireland and a green hght to go ahead and intensify their intimidation and political kidnap. All who love Peace and Justice, must stand beside this elderly patriot and prevent his torture in every way we can. Only a political sociopath can ignore such provocative, blatant, injustice.
martin corey,
Peace Process
Belfast, UK
British Paramilitary police were again present, as observers at morning worship, in what has become known as the Orange Order Free Pussy Church, in British Occupied Ireland, where there were unprecedented riots by the Orange Order three weeks ago, against a Protestant minister who refuses to join the Orange Order. This week Orange order riots in Church were replaced by another “very visual” performance.
For a third week in a row, the PSNI were present in the Protestant Curch of Ballynahinch Congregational Church, as an Orange Order section of the congregation, rose and left the building shortly after the start of service, in a“very visual” protest, as service began at 11.30am. On this occasion the riot of three weeks ago, was replaced by a different type Orange Order protest in the Church. The Orange Order Church rioters after leaving, reconvened in the nearby Orange Hall.
Prior to Sunday’s service, one of the church trustees, said that there would “definitely” be a protest at yesterday’s service where he also promised another “very visual” performance, similar to Free Pussy Riot's 11 women from about 20 to 33, wearing orange colored balaclavas would stage a provocative guerrilla performance.The lyrical themes of the Orange Order such as the Sash, and Kick the Pope were also played, as Orange Order Free Pussy included opposition in their repetoire, to the visit of Richard Haass from the US to Ireland, whom they regard as a dictator. They have also sang a wee number titled, "Orange Prayer - Mother of God, Chase the American Fenians Away!. The Orange Order Church Rioters said, their protest was directed primarily at non secular Orange order ministers in Politics and the Church.
There was also a banner which contained a Bible verse from Jeremiah chapter 23, verse one, in which Jesus Christ, rants against pastors and American politicians who “destroy and scatter” the Children of Israel. The God fearing Rev Speers has said little in public, since the protests yesterday when asked about the banner. It's not clear, if Israel plans a drone strike, to help their beleaguered Orange order bretheren. Billy Hamilton, who is listed as bring responsible for the church bulletin, said he did not go to church in the morning. When he was asked why he was unable to attend, he said: “It’s none of your xxxxxxx business where I go.”
Last week a member of another Protestant church, appealed for an end to the Orange Order riots and protests, which he said brought “shame” on Christianity. Another said: “It is sad and heartbreaking to see the display of godless, carnal, unscriptural, unChristlike behaviour displayed in Ballynahinch Congregational Church.
“Scenes of wickedness and evil intent presented in the media are to be condemned by all true Christians and, indeed, all Congregationalists. There appears to be no evidence of saving grace or the mind of Christ in this vitriolic and vicious behaviour.”
Part of the protest is against Richard Haass who is to chair all-party talks, on the most divisive issues confronting British Occupied Ireland later this week and wants them to be as inclusive as possible. It is not clear, if he will rule on the burning issue of internment without trial by the British.
Calls for the Orange Order to be declared a terrorist organization after rioting and preventing two church services in one week
On Sunday, around 40 orange men who are church members, left their seats in Ballynahinch Congregational Church and began to roar and shout at the minister. They roared "Out, Out, Out" and we want our fleg while clapping, whistling cheering and kicking the church furniture, while at the same time surrounding the minister in the pulpit. One orange man was spoken to by police for messing with the organ the organ.There has also been calls for all orange men to be barred from Church services in British Occupied Ireland before they cause anymore church riots and declared an illegal organization in Ireland.
A very senior church official in the Protestant church, says he has never saw anything like these orange men rioting in the church before, with other law abiding god fearing Protestants parishioners and their minister in a seriously divided Protestant congregation this week. Rev Victor Neill's commented on the Orange Order riot, after armed paramilitary police officers stormed the service at Ballynahinch Congregational Church, after their minister came under siege by a group of angry rioting Orange Order worshippers on Sunday."We wouldn't wish this on anyone, we haven't seen anything like it before,there are sometimes issues like this but I have never seen them reach this stage." said Rev Victor Neill, the chairperson of the Protestant Congregational Union of Ireland.
During the extraordinary rioting in the Church, the Rev George Speers was forced to use a megaphone, to try to be heard by his congregation, above the jeering Orange men from the pews while preaching. This is the second time this week, where Orange men have prevented a congregation in a church in British Occupied Ireland, from hearing their preacher and praying, They also blasted a Catholic Church with sectarian flute noise and cacophonous Lambeg drums, while a priest was attempting to say mass. Aside from the orange sectarianism against Catholics, they are now turning on their own with riots in Protestant churches, with the paramilitary PSNI police forced to storm and invade the Protestant Church to bring the riot under control. It is understood that the PSNI considered using water cannon and plastic bullets in the Church at one stage. Disputes inspired by the Orange Order have split Protestant parishioners and church-goers who support the minister and those who support the Orange Order.
Many of the details are sketchy because the Orange Order, are involved in a massive cover up about their own involvement with the attacks on the Protestant minister under siege and under attack. Rev Neill said: "We can do no more than offer our help and wait and see.We issued our statement to both sides but no-one has come forward." Geoff Buchanan who is involved with the boys at the church, says he understands both sides in the bitter row but the rioting of the Orange Order protest was inappropriate in a church setting."There were a lot of young children there and it is hard to justify that sort of rioting and level of noise. I am pretty neutral in this, but both sides have dug trenches and are very reluctant to back down.There needs to be a cooling off period and mediation so both sides can learn to be in the same building together."
Trustee Trevor Carruthers said: "I was 12 stone 6 when this all started and I dropped to 10 stone 6." while trustee Jimmy McClenaghan said: "This has been going on for more than two years, people can't sleep at night.I know one Orange woman who went to the doctors to get drugs and the doctor said, 'I suppose you belong to that Protestant church as well over there.'" It is also understood, that some republican paramilitaries have offered to protect the minister from the Orange Order. It is also understood, that the republican Mayor of Belfast, has offered to mediate but has been told in no uncertain terms to fcuk off, unless he puts the Fleg back up. There are also reports that the the Orange Order have called in the Ulster Volunteer Force and death threats have been issued to the Protestant minister from loyalist paramilitaries.Some commentators in the Belfast Telegraph give us a little more insight into the secret affair which is being covered up.
Orange order,
pussy riot,
Richard Haass,
Belfast, UK
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The poor dumbed down Britts have been misled by their controlled "Auntie" B.B.C.for too long.
Contrast this panel discussion to the one ICH presented a couple of weeks ago.
It is truly a fascinating (if not alarming) spectacle to watch this self-deluded sophistry in full display.
By MARGARET SULLIVANSeptember 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "NYT" -- Many Times readers have been writing to me for several days about a story The Guardian broke last week, describing how the United States routinely shares with Israel intelligence information that the National Security Agency gathers on American citizens.