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Cead Mile Failte, A Hundred Thousand Welcomes
BOYCOTT LONDON OLYMPICS ! Demand Human Rights British Occupied Ireland !
London with their repressive regime in Occupied Ireland should not have been awarded the Olympics
Boycotting to highlight human rights abuse, internment without trial and torture in British Occupied Ireland
Repressive regimes do not represent Olympic values, Say NO to London !
States can prevent their contingents participating in sports events held by repressive regimes from London
States prevent contingents participating in events by repressive regimes such as the British Occupied Ireland
The British crackdown in Occupied Ireland, has interned many innocent Irish people without trial and has sparked international outrage. While the Olympics brings countries together across all differences, allowing us to express our shared humanity. in friendly athletic competition, the Olympic Games in London nevertheless is not acceptable with a regime, that has visited genocide on Ireland and is continuing to torture Irish prisoners of political conscience in solitary confinement without trial a form of politics threatening the future of the Olympics themselves. So Britain must be made understand that its human rights record in occupied Ireland, is not acceptable by any civilized standards.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Friday, 4 May 2012
OLYMPIC BOYCOTT LONDON: Human Rights; Beijing Better than Britain
Human rights concerns In British Occupied Ireland. Internment without trial of political prisoners. Solitary confinement and torture of Marian Price a prisoner of conscience kidnapped by autocrat Ghengis Pater Son.
Ongoing British emergency laws with harassment and intimidation of civilians. Ongoing collusion between British occupation forces, intelligence and loyalist sectarian paramilitaries; with unjust killings and murders along with excessive punishments and degrading strip-searching in prisons. British government still behaving unlawfully and immorally, with respect to the murders of innocent people with ongoing ill-treatment in their interrogation centres and their corruption of the legal process. Human Rights Watch's children's rights division a general expert in children, has conducted human rights investigations and written reports on abuses of children in Occupied Ireland by the British.
Argentina has upset British Tories by broadcasting a political advert filmed its territory the Malvinas, which the British call the Falklands.The advert shows an Argentine athlete training in the Falklands ahead of the London Olympics Boycott in July. Their slogan: "To compete on English soil, we train on Argentine soil," has been changed to "To boycott on English soil, we train on Argentine soil."
The British equivalent of Ghengis Pater Son in Occupied Ireland, Ian Hansen has complained it to be "cheap and disrespectful propaganda. It is deeply sad to see Mr Zylberberg clambering over a war memorial. Sadly this illustrates the disrespect the Argentine authorities have for our home and our people," Hansen said. The advert is the latest action by Argentina to remind the world of its legal right to the British occupied territory it calls the Malvinas.
The work is called Olympic Games 2012: Homage to the Fallen and the Veterans of the Malvinas, showing Argentine hockey captain Fernando Zylberberg exercising in the Falklands capital Port Stanley under the noses of the British without their knowledge or permission from the islands' colonialists. Last month was the 30th anniversary of what the British call the Falklands War, when Argentine forces retook the Malvinas, before making a tactical withdrawal.
The British government as in the instance of occupied Ireland, says it will not discuss the issue without the agreement of the British colonialists it planted there in the first place, after the Malvinas were stolen. In what is known as typical Brit speak in another phase of their unaccountable permanent neo-colonial war crimes of genocide, torture, theft and terrorism worldwide prompting Sean Penn to comment, "It is difficult to imagine that there is no correlation between the likely discovery of offshore oil reserves and the message of pre-emptive intimidation being sent by the UK to Argentina."
OLYMPIC BOYCOTT LONDON: See other posts below for details.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Human rights concerns In British Occupied Ireland. Internment without trial of political prisoners. Solitary confinement and torture of Marian Price a prisoner of conscience kidnapped by autocrat Ghengis Pater Son.
Ongoing British emergency laws with harassment and intimidation of civilians. Ongoing collusion between British occupation forces, intelligence and loyalist sectarian paramilitaries; with unjust killings and murders along with excessive punishments and degrading strip-searching in prisons.
British government still behaving unlawfully and immorally, with respect to the murders of innocent people with ongoing ill-treatment in their interrogation centres and their corruption of the legal process.
Human Rights Watch's children's rights division a general expert in children, has conducted human rights investigations and written reports on abuses of children in Occupied Ireland by the British.
BLACK OPS IN ENGLAND: Killing a Welshman
Following increased reports of Black ops in Ireland, I myself was forced last night, to lodge a formal statement with my local Thai police station, when 2 road vehicles attempted on 4 different occasions last night to cause attempts to take my life or cause serious injury. The reports are duly witnessed, signed and stamped by senior police officers for the record. I would like to add that, I am at this stage, in no position to say who may have directed this. Which takes us to a high profile case in the heart of the City of London and says much about the British state.
Gareth Williams an MI6 code breaker has been unlawfully killed, ‘on the balance of probabilities’ according to a British state coroner, which has raised critical question even from the British right-wing media. For example even its most right wing Dail Mail asked;
a) "Why, given the hugely sensitive nature of Mr Williams’ job, did the intelligence service wait eight days to inform the police he was missing from work?"
b) "For what reason did MI6 withhold potentially crucial evidence – including nine computer memory sticks – from police investigating his possible murder?"
The crime scene at his Pimlico flat, where Mr Williams was found locked inside a holdall in the bath dead, had just a tiny amount of DNA suggesting the flat was professionally ‘cleaned’? Additionally his eletronic data had been wiped.
Dr Fiona Wilcox the coroner said yesterday that most of the important questions of how Mr Williams died remained, ‘unanswered’. She also delivered a damning observation that MI6 had been unhelpful in the investigation adding that while the evidence did not prove that Mr Williams died at the hands of MI6, ‘it is still a legitimate line of inquiry’.
Gareth William's family fear he was murdered by a specialist ‘in the dark arts of the secret services’ and are unlikely to forgive MI6 for not reporting Mr Williams missing for over a week which meant it was impossible for pathologists to establish if he had been poisoned.
The British Injustice system wants further dictatorial powers to hold such and inquest in privacy in the future. The terrible betrayal of his Welsh family, along with his service to the British begs the question, if they treat one of their own in this way in secrecy, how do they treat, say for example, legitimate political Irish activists, who challenge their occupation in Ireland or elsewhere?
There are a hell of a lot of people in occupied Ireland, who can give first hand accounts of British injustice and attempts on their lives, sometimes contracted to a third party both loyalist and pseudo-republican.
There are also many who are six feet under, who can't tell anyone about their experience of British black ops in occupied Ireland.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia describes Black ops or Black operations in the following manner: "A black operation or black op is a covert operation typically involving activities that are highly clandestine and often outside of standard military protocol or even against the law.
Black ops missions often fit into the plausible deniability category, in which there is no claim of responsibility for the action, and/or a false flag operation is used to give the appearance that another actor was responsible, or – most often – black operations involve extensive arrangements so as to be able to hide the fact that the black operation ever occurred. Black military operations, or paramilitary operations, can be used by various secret services to achieve or attempt to achieve an unusually sensitive goal.
The methods used in black operations are also used in unconventional warfare. Depending on the precise situation in a given case, and the level of authoritarianism of the national government or other responsible party, some tasks will be conducted as black operations, while there are usually other activities that can be admitted openly. Black operations may include such things as assassination, sabotage, extortion, spying on allied countries or one's own citizens, kidnapping, supporting resistance movements, torture, use of fraud to obtain funds, use of child soldiers, human experimentation, trafficking in contraband items, and false flag operations, among others."
From first hand personal experience, I would strongly advise anyone who has experienced such activity, to go to a quality lawyer or a trusted independent party for a complete, witnessed record, formally stamped for the record with copies kept in safe places.
body in bag,
Gareth Williams,
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
London Olympics International Boycott Call by Irish Human Rights Activists
The appointment of two unelected Englishmen in British Occupied Ireland as unaccountable tyrants by Britain's geriatric despotic regime Her Majesty's service, is Monty Pythonesque in its absurdity bearing in mind the pretence of a peace process there. However the subsequent kidnap by the appointed British despots of one of Ireland's most respected human rights and political prisoner activists, who herself spent 200 days on hunger strike being force fed and now almost a year of torture by the appointed Ghengis Pater Son's kidnappers in solitary confinement, is truly taking agent provocateur of the process, to the extreme.
While the appointment of the unelected Englishmen to overrule all local Irish politicians, smacks of desperation and a juvenile regard for both the Irish and the peace process, their subsequent overrule of the judiciary and even their own Majesty's royal prerogative of Mercy, confirms that the other palace on the Thames, is actually the one calling the shots of Empire from the City of London currently. The constant patronizing references to Pater Son as the architect of the Tory/Loyalist electoral alliance and his subsequent appointment to their splittist clique would be amusing in its absurdity, if it was not so callous and such a traversity of the truth of their mutual bigotry and sectarianism.
The appointments in reality are the nepotism of the foxhunting horsey set, from their respective gentry. Internment without trial, concentration camps, blood sports both human and animal, are just the start of their mutual interests. While the local sectarian Lord Faulkner broke his neck and kicked the bucket, the English Tory currently at breakneck speed trying to emulate him, ovruling the Irish to still legally chase the Irish fox. The English Tory and would be Ghengis Khan has also been seriously injured almost breaking his own neck recently, with the blood thirsty insane sadist, said to be in considerable pain. Paddy power is giving short odds that an Irish hunter like Faulkner's, will do the business and dump the Tory autocrat properly next time.
Mind you, since when has truth and justice ever been part and parcel of Britain’s political currency in occupied Ireland ? Hopefully the growing international condemnation of Ghengis Pater Son's internment without trial in Ireland, coupled with a growing call for an International Olympic boycott, will cause a rethink amongst sportsmen and women of conscience worldwide and cause a dramatic decrease of public interest in the olympic games in London this year. The Human Rights Boycott is believed to be gathering momentum particularly in the USA.
In the meantime, the Free Marian Price campaign and end Internment Ireland are racheting up the pressure on its own gombeen Irish politicians as well as their Irish American politicians, particularly in their Presidential race. The local and International business community, the international media along with the general public to keep the issue of Britain's political kidnap of Marian Price, internment, torture and a call for a boycott of the London Olympics firmly at the forefront of people’s hearts and minds internationally.
Anarchy Love on May Day
Anarchists are often presented as being combative and anti-social, while their doctrine is co-operation and sociability. Peter Kropotkin explained the split between Anarchism and Marxism of the 1870′s in terms of cultural differences between Northern Europe and Southern Europe. France, Italy and Spain were the strongest centres of Anarchism while Marxist intellectuals were strongest in England, Holland and Germany. Ireland would identify more strongly with southern Europe for several reasons one of them being a sense of passion from the heart or E.Q rather than I.Q.
The Anarchist-Marxist split runs along the lines of Anarchism essentially being the concept of most people naturally wanting to be good to others when the incentives in the current system, that encourages people to be arseholes are removed, then tradition, custom and the natural desire to be good to family, friends and neighbours will regulate society. Marxism on the other hand believes, people need to be controlled by a dictatorship of the proletariat, without which Marxists cannot visualize a society functioning or maintaining cohesion.
Anarchists could perhaps do things smarter by attraction rather than promotion. Anarchism is mostly seen in terms of smashing the state, class warfare, propaganda of deed or as Bakunin said, “The passion for destruction is a creative passion.” However this is at odds with our greatest strength, which is our community focus, instead of smashing the state, perhaps we could consider building stronger communities, which no longer need the state and that we do propaganda of deed by actually building these communities?
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Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. - Proverb
The Late John McGuffin
The obituary cliche that "He didn't suffer fools gladly" was never more apt than for John McGuffin, which occasionally presented him with problems of an inter-personal nature, since McGuffin tended to regard a remarkably wide section of the earth's population as fools. Anybody who voted in an election ("It's wrong to choose your masters!"). All who had ever darkened the door of a church after reaching the age of reason. People opposed to cannabis. And that was just for starters.
One day in the late 1960s, when we thought we'd heard the chimes of freedom flashing, I drove to Dublin with McGuffin and the American anarchist Jerry Rubin. A mile or so out of Newry, McGuffin explained to the fabled member of the Chicago Seven that the town we were approaching was in the grip of revolution. The risen people had turned en masse to anarchism. We'd better barrel on through. If we stopped for a moment the fevered proletariat would surely engulf us...
Down were in the All-Ireland final that weekend. Every house, lamppost and telegraph pole was festooned with red-and-black flags. Rubin was agog, at risk of levitation when we passed under banners strung across the streets, reading, "Up Down!"
"These people really got the revolutionary ethic", enthused the ecstatic Rubin.
"As much as yourself, comrade", allowed the gracious McGuffin.
He turned up on the Burntollet march with an anarchist banner but couldn't persuade anybody to carry the other pole. He marched all the way with the furled standard sloped on his shoulder, managing to convey that this was sure evidence of his singular revolutionary rectitude, the easy-oozy reformism of the rest of us.
McGuffin was interned in August 1971, as far as I know the only Protestant lifted in the initial swoop. He wrote a fine book on internment afterwards, "The Guineapigs". He was later to publish "In Praise of Poteen", "The Hairs of the Dog" and, recently, "Last Orders, Please!". He was a gifted, utterly undisciplined writer, eschewing the pedantries of structure and all strictures of taste. Various newspapers agreed to give him regular space, but it never lasted. Editors physically winced at his ferocious philippics. He said to me of this column a few months back, "If it's any good, why havn't they sacked you?"
For a time, An Phoblacht published his scabrously brilliant "Brigadier" column. Frequently, the Provos wouldn't print it because they thought their readers would find it offensive. They weren't bad judges.
I first became aware of McGuffin within a week of arriving at Queen's as a wide-eyed innocent from the Bogside. He erupted into a debate addressed by Sam Thompson, the former shipyard worker whose play, "Over The Bridge", had convulsed the Unionist establishment with rage. Thompson was the hero of the hour for Northern liberals. But not for McGuffin. The only achievement of "Over The Bridge", he raged, had been to enable a section of the useless middle class to feel good about themselves for having a night out at the theatre. "Meanwhile, Basil Brook is roaming the streets..."
He took off for California in the early '80s, where he practiced as a lawyer for 15 years, advertising his services under the slogan, "Sean McGuffin, Attorney at Law, Irish-friendly - No crime too big, no crime too small". He only did defences and preferred getting people off who he reckoned were guilty because that way it was more fun.
He was my friend for 40 years. The announcement of his end told that he died peacefully on the morning of April 28th after a long illness, and that two days before turning sideways to the sun had married his long-term collaborator, comrade and partner Christiane.
He was laid out in his coffin with a smile of final satisfaction on a face sculpted like a chieftain of old, in a black t-shirt with square red lettering, "Unrepentant Fenian Bastard".
Way to go, McGuffin.
One day in the late 1960s, when we thought we'd heard the chimes of freedom flashing, I drove to Dublin with McGuffin and the American anarchist Jerry Rubin. A mile or so out of Newry, McGuffin explained to the fabled member of the Chicago Seven that the town we were approaching was in the grip of revolution. The risen people had turned en masse to anarchism. We'd better barrel on through. If we stopped for a moment the fevered proletariat would surely engulf us...
Down were in the All-Ireland final that weekend. Every house, lamppost and telegraph pole was festooned with red-and-black flags. Rubin was agog, at risk of levitation when we passed under banners strung across the streets, reading, "Up Down!"
"These people really got the revolutionary ethic", enthused the ecstatic Rubin.
"As much as yourself, comrade", allowed the gracious McGuffin.
He turned up on the Burntollet march with an anarchist banner but couldn't persuade anybody to carry the other pole. He marched all the way with the furled standard sloped on his shoulder, managing to convey that this was sure evidence of his singular revolutionary rectitude, the easy-oozy reformism of the rest of us.
McGuffin was interned in August 1971, as far as I know the only Protestant lifted in the initial swoop. He wrote a fine book on internment afterwards, "The Guineapigs". He was later to publish "In Praise of Poteen", "The Hairs of the Dog" and, recently, "Last Orders, Please!". He was a gifted, utterly undisciplined writer, eschewing the pedantries of structure and all strictures of taste. Various newspapers agreed to give him regular space, but it never lasted. Editors physically winced at his ferocious philippics. He said to me of this column a few months back, "If it's any good, why havn't they sacked you?"
For a time, An Phoblacht published his scabrously brilliant "Brigadier" column. Frequently, the Provos wouldn't print it because they thought their readers would find it offensive. They weren't bad judges.
I first became aware of McGuffin within a week of arriving at Queen's as a wide-eyed innocent from the Bogside. He erupted into a debate addressed by Sam Thompson, the former shipyard worker whose play, "Over The Bridge", had convulsed the Unionist establishment with rage. Thompson was the hero of the hour for Northern liberals. But not for McGuffin. The only achievement of "Over The Bridge", he raged, had been to enable a section of the useless middle class to feel good about themselves for having a night out at the theatre. "Meanwhile, Basil Brook is roaming the streets..."
He took off for California in the early '80s, where he practiced as a lawyer for 15 years, advertising his services under the slogan, "Sean McGuffin, Attorney at Law, Irish-friendly - No crime too big, no crime too small". He only did defences and preferred getting people off who he reckoned were guilty because that way it was more fun.
He was my friend for 40 years. The announcement of his end told that he died peacefully on the morning of April 28th after a long illness, and that two days before turning sideways to the sun had married his long-term collaborator, comrade and partner Christiane.
He was laid out in his coffin with a smile of final satisfaction on a face sculpted like a chieftain of old, in a black t-shirt with square red lettering, "Unrepentant Fenian Bastard".
Way to go, McGuffin.
Eamonn McCann
Monday, 30 April 2012
Ghengis Pater Son Sadistic Colonial Warlord of Occupied Ireland
Ghengis Pater Son Sadistic Colonial Warlord of Occupied Ireland
The Real Terrorist
In Ireland, England's first colony, the un-elected, unaccountable regime of terror imposed currently by the sadistic Ghengis PaterSon and his fellow Englishman Baggot, are worse than the zombie of any creative pen. These are egomaniacal despots, ruthless tyrants, who are engaged in the politics of terror in occupied Ireland. They in fact are the real terrorists.
In Ireland, England's first colony, the un-elected, unaccountable regime of terror imposed currently by the sadistic Ghengis PaterSon and his fellow Englishman Baggot, are worse than the zombie of any creative pen. These are egomaniacal despots, ruthless tyrants, who are engaged in the politics of terror in occupied Ireland. They in fact are the real terrorists.
From Malaysia to the Middle-east, to Harare to Ireland, the pages of history are filled with British atrocities, and their crimes against humanity. Their slaughter has been conducted in so many places, all over the world, at one point or another, they have in fact affected the lives of billions of citizens. More often than not in each instance, they have given one of their own the clearance, to create all the destruction, havoc and misery without any accountability.
Despots and dictators like Ghengis PaterSon are grand leaders for them, in places like occupied Ireland but to the persecuted Irish like Marian Price currently, they are tyrants who have left a trail of utter devastation and blood, with the horrors of their bloodthirsty rulers. If the struggle for freedom and democracy in Ireland ever succeeds, you can expect to see uncensored truth of the darkest chapters of Ireland’s history.
As the genocidal British holocausts in Ireland and South Africa that murdered millions, have demonstrated, the creative pen can hardly compete with the levels of cruelty unleashed in real life by the British in Ireland and elsewhere, throughout time. In the last century, with the British teaching the WASP establishment (White, Anglo, Saxon, Protestant) in North American their neo-colonial sadistic system, the consequences are still felt today worldwide. The British taught the evil that people can do, all the devices of heartbreaking cruelty, that has been corroborated or uncovered by mostly censored journalists accounts.
Genhgis PaterSon's English kidnap and torture of Irishwoman Marian Price in occupied Ireland, has exposed the darkest side of colonial political leaders, with their most appalling traits of extreme human and animal cruelty. Gaelic civilization has been raped by this Ghengis Khan Pater & Son form of barbarianism. The colonial powers such as the British empire that govern in modern times, do not install dictators to continue a rule of law beneficial to anyone, other than their masters from places like the City of London. The failure of Britain to leave truly democratic institutions or an operational political framework that is inclusive or sustainable in Ireland but have instead, purposefully created the conditions for malignant rogues and further profits to arise for their industrial.war complex.
The colonized experience is quite different to corporate media discourses, which support colonization and the myth of power with racist classification and supporting imagery of subordination. There are elements that remain constant in every egomaniacal despot, genocidal dictator and ruthless tyrant such as Ghengis Pater Son. There are factors that are shared in the real lives of such a dictator that remain consistent. All that varies is the degree of oppression. His Orwellian control, his cult of personality, his boundless violence, his lack of freedom with spying, coercion and repression. His carrot and stick approach with a messianic disposition are all there, many learned from studying the tactics of the barbarian Ghengis Khan himself, besides Kitson and the vile torture of empire practiced mostly in Ireland by its previous colonial masters and then visited on their plundered and pillaged colonies.
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