withIrish Around Canada, Michael Carl Tanner, Hurling Western Australia and 41 others at Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland April 23, 1014.

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You, Chris Burke, Jeremy T Johnson, Tim Ferris and 23 others like this.

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
Abe Lincoln was a Conto.
March 25 at 4:33pm · Unlike · 2

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
Fuckin' satellites and everything. Quality.
March 25 at 4:36pm · Unlike · 1

Brian Clarke I don't censor but defamation and hate language is libelous.
March 25 at 4:47pm · Like

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
Do you know what Conto means? Here, if Abraham Lincoln wants to sue me for libel I will happily show up in court for that case.
March 25 at 5:03pm · Unlike · 3

Aidan Quinlan · Friends with Marty Gahan and 8 others
more people making up their own history , RSF are now in the same box as Willie Fraizer.
March 25 at 5:10pm · Like · 1

Brian Clarke David I had to remove an abusive loyalist, you are quite right of course!
March 25 at 5:18pm · Like

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
Brian, I'll be perfectly honest with you pal, this is some of the most concentrated fruitcake stuff I've seen in a while, and that's saying something. What in the name of god does "Not a millennia terrorist narrative" mean? And the stuff linking the American Revolution and Abraham Lincoln to the most hopeless guerrilla outfit to ever grace the planet? The satellites, good god the satellites, where did you get that one?
March 25 at 5:59pm · Like · 2

Shaun Mc Gonigle · Friends with Irish Around Melbourne
IRA is the only real irish army
March 25 at 6:21pm · Unlike · 1

Brian Clarke David its fruitcake to call someone you never met your pal, If you don't understand millennia terrorist narrative, get a dictionary or google them. The outfit you attempt to discredit on the 23 of April 1014 cleared Ireland of all foreign armies. They will do it again too with Gods help, that's Capital G and not some mickey mouse, superficial entity, that is obviously your live backwards mentality!
Yesterday at 12:30am · Like

Aidan Quinlan · Friends with Marty Gahan and 8 others
weren't the founding fathers in the USA responsible for the biggest genocide in history?
Yesterday at 1:00am · Like

Dáithí Ó Mara @Aiden no, That'd be Hitler
Yesterday at 1:06am · Unlike · 1

Brian Clarke Closely followed by the British Empire !
Yesterday at 1:11am · Like · 1

Dáithí Ó Mara True on you!
Yesterday at 1:21am · Unlike · 1

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
This is top notch crazy. The Contos were formed between 1986 and 1994, depending on whose narrative you believe. If you go by the RSF belief, they are the direct descendents of the IRA, comprising the ICA and Irish Volunteers in 1916. I've never met a single person in history that would claim they were formed 1,000 years ago. What is your source on this? I'm genuinely intrigued.
Yesterday at 1:22am · Like

Brian Clarke Google CONTINUITY David !
Yesterday at 1:25am · Like

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
Brian, Google 'Continuity Irish Republican Army'. I'm not joking. You literally haven't got a clue on this subject.
Yesterday at 1:27am · Like

Aidan Quinlan · Friends with Marty Gahan and 8 others
Dáithí Ó Marawhat about the 20 million american indians. RSF live on the same planet as Willie Fraizer. lets just hope their space ship comes soon to collect them.
Yesterday at 3:06am · Like

Brian Clarke CIRA are the cutting edge of a thousand year Irish heritage. Remember Brian Boru ! Remember the Battle of Clontarf! We will be victorious again! Others come and go, the continuity of Irish liberation goes on forever.
Yesterday at 9:13am · Like · 2

Luke Callinan · 4 mutual friends
Good man Brian.
Yesterday at 9:24am · Unlike · 1

Brian Clarke tELL ME O PALSOF THE NEW fASCIST WORLD ORDER, DID YOUS EVER HEAR OF NA FIANNA. i'LL GIVE YOUS A WHISPER. They're warriors that have been around for a couple of thousand year ! i.e. MILLENNIA !
Yesterday at 10:24am · Like · 1

Brian Clarke HERE IT IS FOR THE ANALLY RETATRDED : So who are Na Fianna now affiliated to?
Na Fianna have nothing got to do with the Provisional Movement, the Provisional Movement is now a reformist party that we no longer march for or associate ourselves with. We are a Revolutionary Youth Movement seeking to bring an end to British occupation, partition and to bring about a free and socialist Republic. We recognise the right of the Irish people to resist British occupation in arms by controlled and disciplined force to bring about the new Republic.
The only political and militant groups we are behind(show solidarity to) today is Republican SF and the Continuity Army Council(CIRA).
Get behind Na Fianna Éireann, the future of your land!

Na Fianna Éireann
Yesterday at 10:38am · Unlike · 3 · Remove Preview

Aidan Quinlan · Friends with Marty Gahan and 8 others
I don't even know What to say. You are so deluded you believe your own propaganda.
Yesterday at 4:24pm · Like

Brian Clarke The Fianna
Yesterday at 4:50pm · Like

David Collins · 3 mutual friends
I honestly can't tell if you're on a wind up or what.
Firstly, you do realise that the Fianna were a mythological army and not actually real? Secondly, even if you go by RSF's narrative, you do realise the "Na Fianna Éireann" that you linked there we...See More
Yesterday at 5:09pm · Like

Sean Healy Slua-Dublin Nfe · 9 mutual friends
Brian the Ira is not even 100 years old yet. The IRA came out of the Irish Volunteers to defend the All-Ireland Dail which was established in 1919. And David Na Fianna Eireann have kept a strong line of connectivity and continuity since our formation r...See More
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Sean Healy Slua-Dublin Nfe · 9 mutual friends
Here is some information on the IRA and the Continuity IRA Brian, and all that happened in between since its formation-

Irish republican legitimatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A concept within Irish Republicanism, Irish republican legitimatism denies the l...See More
22 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Rsf Belfast 3 decades? i thought the continuity irish republican army claimed the sniper attack that killed a british military police officer in craigavon less than 3 years ago
21 hours ago · Like

Vol Seán Costello · 5 mutual friends
A lot of people out there today masquerading as republican. That image is shite and whoever the hell made it does not speak for the republican movement. Today the republican movements primary organisation are the IRA under the command of the Continui...See More
19 hours ago · Like

Brian Clarke I see a lot of the criticism is coming from England and their friends in the States. I'm no0t in the business of pleasing ppl but some republicans who were actually active really like it, IT is good to critique anything innovative with constructive criticism but simply calling it shite without explaing the critique is siply a divisive, mentality. I notic ea lot new age provos are creating alot of division in RSF which is to be expected. There is a constructive creative way to criticise. I am quite familiar with the history and origins of the material but we cannot stay stuck in the pas forever, I do not build myself up by putting other republicans down, Unity is strength and the British will always divide to conquer.Irish republicans are often our own worst enemy and none of us, I mean none of us is perfect. The Irish republican who has never made a mistake is not being honest. We are humans doing the best we can and we should encourage each other without sacrificing our principles. NO ONE HAS A MOMOPOLY ON THE TRUTH OR THE IRISH REPUBLIC, UNITY IS STRNGHT! BEIR BUA !
about an hour ago · Like
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