Easter Statement from the Leadership of the Republican Movement
During the last year the Movement has lost two of our most notable leaders in the persons of Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and Joe Ó Neill. Both of these individuals were major and recognisable figures identified with the Republican Movement since the 1950s. Notably they were two of the main leaders who remained steadfast and loyal to their Republican principles during the 69/70 split which saw the emergence of the movement which became known as the Provisionals. Throughout the struggle which ensued during the 70s and 80s up to 1986 they were active and key players until treachery struck again. This time a more serious betrayal was afoot as it became clear Republicans contemplated entering the partitionist parliaments.
At this juncture at the Ard-Fheis of 1986 on this issue of principle Ruairí and Joe led the walk-out which resulted in the reorganisation of Irish Republicans. Both of these men gave unwavering and solid leadership and service until their deaths. On behalf of the Republican Movement we extend our sympathies to their families. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a nanamacha dhílis.
As we look forward positively and laying the plans to celebrate the centenary of the 1916 Rising we must make space here to address a misconception among some ill-informed people across the country in relation to criminal activity perpetrated in the name of the Republican Movement.
During 2010 a number of former members of the Movement without any reasonable or recognisable fundamental principle, initiated by rogue endeavour, and without any recourse to long-standing protocols or constitution and supported by the miscreant and elemental kings of Irelands criminal fraternity hatched their plan to lay claim to the honourable name of the Republican Movement.
Having done this unexplainable and treacherous deed the prime movers then within an ashamedly short length of time put distance between themselves and their pseudo-Republican creation. We have questioned within the Republican Movement if these people moved away from their criminal creation because of shame. Or was it what could be expected from active agents who were trying to generate and engage the Republican Movement in a feud with the criminal underworld across the country. A feud which would sully the name of the Republican Movement and consign the cause of Ireland into decline for many years to come. Given the immediate attendance of the British and Free State media at the time these events unfolded it is certain that a malign hand was at work.
It is increasingly obvious that there is no longer a free press in this country. British and Free State intelligence are actively operating with embedded journalists and broadcasters within the major news outlets. There is little doubt that this media manipulation by senior intelligence operatives within the Gardaí share responsibility for many of the gangland killings which are taking place across the country. These so-called officers of the law would wish to have Irish Republicans to the fore in these foul doings.
The treachery of 2010 was a carefully-planned attempt to arrest and destroy the Republican Movement as it exists today in the continuing defence of the Irish Republic proclaimed at the GPO Dublin in 1916. These people have failed and the criminal conspirators they have left in their wake shall dissipate.
There will be other attempts to raise issues of contention ranging across diverse matters, for example principles, structures, authority, democracy, discipline and many others into the future. That said nobody is going to put the Republican Movement in their pocket and walk away to self-serve, for in doing so they will be turning away from the principles which sustain this Movement and which are the ultimate guarantee of our success.
THE Republican Movement will continue to be the bedrock and guardians of the Republic proclaimed at Dublins GPO and democratically underpinned in the election of 1918. The Irish Republic was not afforded any support at that time by the robust democracies of the world and so in the face of the British Empire democracy floundered.
We note the emergence of Irish Republican remembrance societies in many areas of the country. While these are useful to remind people of our patriot dead they also assist in the segmenting of the Republican heartlands especially in the Six Occupied Counties. There is a place for all Republicans loyal to the Republic proclaimed in 1916 in this Movement.
The path to the Republic is not an easy one and it has been made more difficult since the Cause was betrayed by those who now take their seats in the partitionist parliaments. We call on all those who now recognise this betrayal to join with us in our continuing struggle for the freedom of our country. Freedom from the parliaments imposed by England which entrench and are dependent upon sectarian hatred to survive.
The Republican project is alive and well and we will win.
An Phoblacht Abú!
Long live the Irish Republic.
Issued by the Leadership of the Republican Movement, Easter 2014
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