Inside the Hidden World of Secret Societies
This site provides an unprecedented insight into the mystical domain of secret societies throughout the world. It looks at their hidden secret society degrees, rituals, secrets and esoteric teaching. It examines, in detail, Freemasonry, which is widely accepted as the mother of most of our modern-day secret society organisations. This site looks at the many so-called Protestant secret societies, which have been birthed by Freemasonry, like the Orange Order, the Independent Loyal Orange Institution and the Royal Black Institution and compares the similarities between these neo-Masonic structures and their ritualistic degrees. For anyone interested in the various secret societies of the world this site will be a valuable resource. It unveils shocking information in regard to these secret societies that has never hitherto been exposed.
Stormont to Topple
Stormont has been plunged into a fresh crisis after unionists joined forces to warn of an action plan to protest against the ban on a Twelfth Orange Order return parade through Ardoyne.
Fears that the power-sharing institutions could be under threat increased when the DUP and Ulster Unionists also walked out of renewed talks on parades, flags and the past after one day.
And tensions escalated last night when it emerged the DUP had pulled out of a planned North South Ministerial Council meeting due to take place today.
Within minutes of the Parades Commission reaffirming last year's ban, a bombshell statement also signed by the TUV, the UVF-linked PUP and UDA-linked UPRG said a "graduated" unionist response would also involve the Orange Order and "peaceful and lawful protests".
The London Government immediately said the last thing Northern Ireland needed was another barrage of street demonstrations and violence.
Secretary of State Theresa Villiers warned against any public disorder which could undermine efforts to attract investment and damage Northern Ireland's image abroad.
Even before the DUP pulled out of today's cross-border talks, Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness demanded clarification that the joint statement did not amount to a threat to collapse the Assembly and Executive.
"This is clear evidence that the Orange Order is now setting the pace for political unionism and the DUP in particular is now dancing to its tune," he said
Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams said it amounted to evidence of the unionist parties' failure to "stand firm" against demands of the Order and loyalist paramilitaries, and said both London and Dublin could not stand idly by.
"In the absence of all-party talks the onus now shifts very firmly to the two governments," he said.
"As co-equal guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement they must ensure continuing progress, and this has to include implementing agreements already made that are their sole responsibility." But Mrs Villiers made clear: "Ultimately, the only way to make lasting progress on resolving the contentious issues of flags, parading and the past has to be through renewed dialogue between Northern Ireland's political leadership.
"The Government will continue to do all we can to encourage an early resumption of these talks."
The unionist statement branded the revived Stormont talks, which had been due to continue into next week, as "fruitless".
The parties said they saw no more value in contact with the Parades Commission.
"The message the Parades Commission has sent out is simple," it said.
"It has shown that the commission members place no value on a relationship with unionism and have treated our advice with contempt.
"It has turned its face away from the evidence, including from the PSNI.
"It is regrettable, but so be it."
DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds said: "It is vital everyone who is justifiably angry remains peaceful and stays within the law.
"Everyone should channel their energies into the graduated response outlined by the combined leadership of unionism."
And UUP MLA Michael Copeland said on Facebook: "We have, for some time, been aware that such an absurd parades determination would bring with it a very real risk of widespread violence and disorder."
TUV leader Jim Allister said: "We made clear there should be political consequences if the north Belfast situation was not resolved and specifically we made the point that while there was once a cry of 'No talk, no walk', the unionist response should be 'No walk, no talk'."
But SDLP leader Alasdair McDonnell appealed for people to take a step back.
"There is now a desperate need for people to keep calm and provide leadership," he said.
"Being difficult and being angry is not going to help anyone," he added.
This site creates a unique facility for those inside and outside the many secret societies of the world who desire to examine otherwise hard-to-obtain internal material relating to the many esoteric secret societies throughout the world. This informative in-depth resource centre discloses startling evidence about the origins, structures, secrets, degrees and rituals of bodies which have hitherto been concealed from the public gaze. This website will endeavour to examine in an open objective manner the internal workings of these secret societies, and establish their status in relation to the Christian faith and the teaching of the Bible (a book these secret societies so frequently employ).
The writer W P Malcomson is the author of the popular book Behind Closed Doors (released 10 yrs ago) and has spent 17 years comprehensibly studying the subject. Malcomson is a former member of the Orange , Arch Purple and Black (rising to the highest degree in the Royal Black Institution - the Red Cross degree). Purchase direct: Inside the Royal Black Institution |
Baptist Magazine
The Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland
United Protestant Council reject Royal Black Institution
Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Orange Order
Reformed Presbyterian
Free Presbyterian Burning Bush
Independent Methodist Pastor Paul Johnston
The English Churchman
Barry Smith's Omega Times (New Zealand)
Ulster Christian
Take Heed Ministries (Cecil Andrew)
British Churchman (Johnny Larner)
Bible believing former members renouncing the Loyal Orders
Former Royal Black Deputy Grand Chaplain (Rev. Canon Brian T. Blacoe)
Former Orange Worshipful Master, Royal Arch Purple Worshipful Master, Former Royal Black Lecturer (Malcolm McClughan)
United Protestant Council Chairman (David Carson)
Former County Down Orange Treasurer, Worshipful Master, Deputy Master, and Chaplain - Jackson Blakely
Former County Londonderry Orange and Royal Arch Purpleman Andrew Evans
Former County Armagh Orange, Royal Arch Purple and (Red Cross) Blackman Alex Newell
Former Independent Grand Orange Lodge Chaplain Rev. Dr. Ray Pulman (also former Red Cross Blackman)
Former County Tyrone Orange Chaplain and Orange/Small Purple Lecturer Paul Stewart (also former Red Cross Blackman)
The Orange Order and British Israelism - New!
Orange Order British Israelism teaching
British Israelism - the underlying theology of the Loyal Orders
The British Israelism thinking behind the Orange Order
The Royal Black Institution and British Israelism
British Israelism Exposed
True Israel
Royal Black Institution History New!
For the first time in history we reveal a detailed history of the Royal Black Institution, the Black Knights of Malta and the Royal Britannic Association. We document the origin and development of the Royal Black movement and the origin and development of the degrees. This is a must for anyone interested in "Loyal" Orders history.
The Royal Black Institution history
The Royal Black Institution degrees history
Royal Black Institution degrees exposed in full
(1) Royal Black Degree
(2) Royal Scarlet Degree
(3) Royal Mark Degree
(4) Apron and Royal Blue Degree
(5) Royal White Degree
(6) Royal Green Degree
(7) Gold Degree
(8) Star and Garter Degree
(9) Crimson Arrow Degreee
(10) Link and Chain Degree
(11) Red Cross Degree
The Institution also possesses a final retrospective degree, which is essentially an overview of the 11 degrees that the candidate has traversed.
Red Cross Grand Charge
Ghoulish Black Practices - exposed for the first time in over 212 years
Who exactly are the Loyal Orders?
Evangelical Truth Challenge Freemasonry on RTE
Generational curses?
The Royal Black Institution Oath exposed publicly for the first time.
An Analysis of Roman Catholicism
Purchase Behind Closed Doors
View Excerpts from Behind Closed Doors
View/ Print/ Save a free copy of Behind Closed Doors in PDF.
View Excerpts from The Forgotten History of the Orange Order
View/ Print/ Save a free copy The Forgotten History of the Orange Order in PDF.

Andrew Boyd
“The history of riots and civil commotion in the North of Ireland, and especially in Belfast, proves .. that so long as the Protestant Unionists think they have the right to dominate and insult the Catholics there can never be lasting peace. Nor can there be true democracy while the Orange Order and the Unionist Party are organisationally integrated, as they have been since 1886. Holy War in Belfast p. 199.

The Orange Order, a powerful force behind the scenes of politics and industry, was inextricably linked to the Ulster Unionist Party

Each of the six Prime Ministers between 1921 and 1972 were Orangemen, as were all but three Cabinet Ministers between 1921 and 1969.Every Unionist Senator between 1921 and 1969 – with one exception – was an Orangeman
In 1972 the abolition of Stormont and Direct rule

by successive British governments did not end the explicitly political role of the Loyal Orders. Remember the Loyal Orders are anxious to focus on the social/cultural aspect of their organisations since to do so diverts attention away from their political involvement. Don’t let your attention be diverted!!

The decision to reject the Good Friday Agreement moved Loyal Orders away from the then the pro-agreement Ulster Unionists and placed it closer to the Democratic Unionist Party

With regards to the DUP’s refusal to implement the Good Friday Agreement the then Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern,
sent a memo to the US State Department.
“ if the DUP did not engage in the process, he would consider giving a speech in which he reminded people that the Republic of Ireland had changed its constitution to relinquish its claim to Northern Ireland only on the basis of the promise of the Good Friday Agreement,” he wrote.
Andrew Boyd
“The history of riots and civil commotion in the North of Ireland, and especially in Belfast, proves .. that so long as the Protestant Unionists think they have the right to dominate and insult the Catholics there can never be lasting peace. Nor can there be true democracy while the Orange Order and the Unionist Party are organisationally integrated, as they have been since 1886. Holy War in Belfast p. 199.
The Orange Order, a powerful force behind the scenes of politics and industry, was inextricably linked to the Ulster Unionist Party
Each of the six Prime Ministers between 1921 and 1972 were Orangemen, as were all but three Cabinet Ministers between 1921 and 1969.Every Unionist Senator between 1921 and 1969 – with one exception – was an Orangeman
In 1972 the abolition of Stormont and Direct rule
by successive British governments did not end the explicitly political role of the Loyal Orders. Remember the Loyal Orders are anxious to focus on the social/cultural aspect of their organisations since to do so diverts attention away from their political involvement. Don’t let your attention be diverted!!
The decision to reject the Good Friday Agreement moved Loyal Orders away from the then the pro-agreement Ulster Unionists and placed it closer to the Democratic Unionist Party
With regards to the DUP’s refusal to implement the Good Friday Agreement the then Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern,
sent a memo to the US State Department.
“ if the DUP did not engage in the process, he would consider giving a speech in which he reminded people that the Republic of Ireland had changed its constitution to relinquish its claim to Northern Ireland only on the basis of the promise of the Good Friday Agreement,” he wrote.
“If that promise is not met, he said, he would indicate that Ireland could consider changing its constitution again.”
Might be worth reminding the current government of this position!!
Last week we saw senior Orangeman William Mawhinney talk about upscaling, upscaling, upscaling protests until civil disobedience was on the cards.
Last week we saw senior Orangeman William Mawhinney talk about upscaling, upscaling, upscaling protests until civil disobedience was on the cards.
Standing beside him were North Belfast DUP MLA Nelson McCausland and the PUP’s Winston Irvine.
The Orange order made this threat, supported by the DUP and the PUP. Remember the Orange Order has never been simply a religious organisation. The Loyal Orders are political organisations that regard themselves as defending civil and religious liberties of Protestants and so stand in determined opposition to the civil and religious liberties of some 45% of the population in the North of Ireland.
Yesterday we commented on Peter Robinson’s threats about paramilitary uprisings in Northern Ireland. 
Who exactly is making the threats?
Peter Robinson, First Minister of Northern Ireland?

Peter Robinson, former member of Ulster resistance who addressed the three thousand-strong invitation-only launch rally at the Ulster Hall, which was chaired by the DUP Sammy Wilson and addressed by Ian Paisley, and Ivan Foster? The group collaborated with the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) to procure arms.

Peter Robinson, mouthpiece of the Loyal Orders?

Which has any right to?
Who exactly is making the threats?
Peter Robinson, First Minister of Northern Ireland?
Peter Robinson, former member of Ulster resistance who addressed the three thousand-strong invitation-only launch rally at the Ulster Hall, which was chaired by the DUP Sammy Wilson and addressed by Ian Paisley, and Ivan Foster? The group collaborated with the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) to procure arms.
Peter Robinson, mouthpiece of the Loyal Orders?
Which has any right to?
Sir Reg Empey is one 50% of all Unionist MLAs who are members of the Loyal orders.

His lodge is Eldon LOL 7, in the Belfast district.
In his opening address to the UUP annual conference he threatened the government of the Republic of Ireland:
“if proposals to involve all electors of Northern Ireland in Irish Republic elections are pursued, this will undermine the Strand 2 parts of the Belfast Agreement and could lead to a review of the nature and extent of future unionist participation in these institutions.
Dublin would be wise to steer clear of any confrontation on this issue”.
Who exactly was threatening the Dublin government?
Sir Reg Empey, English peer of the realm?

Reg Empey, former member of Ulster Vanguard,

a neo-fascist organisation which emerged from a split in the Ulster Unionist Party and was closely affiliated with several loyalist paramilitary groups?
Reg Empey, Orangeman?

Which has any right to?
His lodge is Eldon LOL 7, in the Belfast district.
In his opening address to the UUP annual conference he threatened the government of the Republic of Ireland:
“if proposals to involve all electors of Northern Ireland in Irish Republic elections are pursued, this will undermine the Strand 2 parts of the Belfast Agreement and could lead to a review of the nature and extent of future unionist participation in these institutions.
Dublin would be wise to steer clear of any confrontation on this issue”.
Who exactly was threatening the Dublin government?
Sir Reg Empey, English peer of the realm?
Reg Empey, former member of Ulster Vanguard,
a neo-fascist organisation which emerged from a split in the Ulster Unionist Party and was closely affiliated with several loyalist paramilitary groups?
Reg Empey, Orangeman?
Which has any right to?
As first leader of the UUP not to be a member of the Orange Order,

Mike Nesbitt didn’t threaten. Since up to 50% of the members of his party are Orangemen he fear mongered:
“That’s what we’re looking at. That’s what we’re facing. They will start a process. We’ve been through this in Fermanagh. Strabane have been through it. Londonderry have been through it. They start a process of neutralisation – “we want this a neutral space” – but then what comes next? Once they get it neutral they start imposing their dictatorial issues. They will start imposing their Irish language. They will start imposing their Sinn Fein republican agenda onto everyone”.
Who’s fear-mongering?
Mike Nesbitt, Leader of a Unionist party?

Mike Nesbitt, former TV presenter?
Mike Nesbitt, Head of an independent media services company?
Which has any right to?
Mike Nesbitt didn’t threaten. Since up to 50% of the members of his party are Orangemen he fear mongered:
“That’s what we’re looking at. That’s what we’re facing. They will start a process. We’ve been through this in Fermanagh. Strabane have been through it. Londonderry have been through it. They start a process of neutralisation – “we want this a neutral space” – but then what comes next? Once they get it neutral they start imposing their dictatorial issues. They will start imposing their Irish language. They will start imposing their Sinn Fein republican agenda onto everyone”.
Who’s fear-mongering?
Mike Nesbitt, Leader of a Unionist party?
Mike Nesbitt, former TV presenter?
Mike Nesbitt, Head of an independent media services company?
Which has any right to?
And whose job is it to countermand these threats and fear-mongering?
Whose job is it to break-up the Orange and Loyal Orders’ massive conflict of interest or sinister power play in Northern Ireland?
Did the intervention of Mr Haass

signify it’s a job for the USA?
After all, they sponsored the founding of the Irish republic in the first place
Whose job is it to break-up the Orange and Loyal Orders’ massive conflict of interest or sinister power play in Northern Ireland?
Did the intervention of Mr Haass
signify it’s a job for the USA?
After all, they sponsored the founding of the Irish republic in the first place