By Men's Human Rights Ireland 27 Comments
One of our Men’s Human Rights Ireland (MHRI) members was scheduled to deliver an address at Belfast City Hall this past International Men’s Day (IMD) but was abruptly informed at the 11th hour that his speech had been cancelled.
The reason for this cancellation was apparently due to several complaints made against the group that had invited MHRI to speak, Men’s Rights Northern Ireland (MRNI), by the “Belfast Feminist Network” (BFN) under the leadership of one Kellie Turtle, who in her private, closed discussion group expressed outrage that there was even a men’s day in the first place:
Kellie Turtle
November 11 at 11:05am
“I know it’s galling to most that this event is even happening as it totally ignores the nature of gender inequality in society and the fact that it is women who are disadvantaged due to our gender, not men.”
I’m not sure how that sits with—and this is a direct quote from their letter, referencing the duty of the government not to support groups that cause division—the “BCC [Belfast City Council] as a public body with good relations duties under Section 75,” but I suspect not very well. Having revved up the troops with this stirring address, the BFN proceeded to email as many councillors with off-colour complaints as they could find, all the while snickering among themselves about IMD also being “World Toilet Day.”
The complaints they made against MRNI were wide-ranging and often contradictory, if not flat-out wrong: in one part of the letter, much is made of concerns about workplace safety while in the next part they seem to think that the very idea of men being worried about women in dangerous jobs is sexist, rounding all of this off with a triumphant, quivering finger pointed at MRNI’s lack of support for the HeForShe campaign, wherein men are called to support women in what looks very like a traditional protective, chivalric role.
They even complained about MRNI highlighting the fact that the gender pay gap is spurious nonsense—the bottom line is that when men and women of equal experience and with equal qualifications are compared, there is no pay gap. In fact, even in bizarre feminist terms, there is no pay gap in Northern Ireland.
Over and over the letter repeats this peculiar notion that being opposed to feminism is being opposed to women. It’s really not hard to understand why this is wrong: one is an ideology, the other is a gender.
Perhaps this is why the overwhelming majority of women don’t identify as feminists—which according to feminist dogma would make them misogynists who hate equality—and enormous movements like Women Against Feminism exist. Neither, needless to say, does feminism have much to do with equality. That would be egalitarianism
About Men's Human Rights Ireland Men's Human Rights Ireland is a group of Irish activists and writers who seek equal rights, responsibility, and compassion for men (and the women who love them).Sort by Newest
MGTOW-man • a day ago
Realizing that Men's Rights Ireland was notified in the last minutes that a speech from them would not be allowed, thus couldn't prepare for a separate venue, they should learn from this. Next time, be expecting this and have an alternative plan.
Also, perhaps obscuring their intentions so that feminists can't undermine them would be a great way to "sneak" in, then once on the podium, let loose with their original speech. Will the police actually remove them? If so, great PR for our side. We must get creative if there is any hope of fighting the truth haters.
Finally, I would like to know how Belfast council became involved as overseer? IMD is not a government thing, so next time, circumvent them and have the celebration without their "management".
If I am missing some important understanding here, please clue me in, with compassion and cohesion in mind of course.
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Tom Golden • a day ago
Women have a downhill battle asking for what they want and in getting helpful responses. Complaining about those who might impede their objectives is cheered. The culture waves them on and responds to their concerns no matter how nutty. Men have an uphill battle to even get their perspective into the conversation much less in getting a helpful response. This is exactly why FTSU is so critical and needed. The cultural deafness to the pain of men and boys is staggering.
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Jack Strawb • 2 days ago
One of our Men’s Human Rights Ireland (MHRI) members was scheduled to
deliver an address at Belfast City Hall this past International Men’s
Day (IMD) but was abruptly informed at the 11th hour that his speech had
been cancelled.
Glad to see there's a recording of the speech making the rounds.
Does anyone know whether the MHRI simply went ahead, notified the press and attendees, and gave the speech on the steps of city hall or the sidewalk in front of it?
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axia777 • 2 days ago
Damn, I didn't known the collective balls of Irish men had been removed so much. :( Fight the good fight guys, but from here it looks like an uphill battle
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Steve Lee axia777 • a day ago
Thing is its an uphill battle for us everywhere and on all fronts. Give all men who are trying to right the wrongs encouragement by all means but there is no need to put other men down for their efforts.
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Sean axia777 • 2 days ago
Speak for yourself.
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Stu • 2 days ago
So there you go. Feminists can ban a man from speaking on IMD. Of course. IMD is for feminists to tell us what a bunch of violent, raping, child molesting assholes men are. Just like Fathers day is for feminists to tell us Fathers are all of those things. Both days are also for men to speak of course, but only if they get up and do their best impersonation of the Conscious Men. I suppose it's ok to talk about male suicides and homelessness and poverty and suffering and death too, but only if you do it with a smile on your face to the laughter of the crowds, and wear one of the compulsory t-shirts which say either "This is what a feminist looks like" or " I bathe in male tears" Available in pink only, with complimentary white ribbon, and pink arm bands.
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thatdogguy Stu • 7 hours ago
I wish we could create a global conscientious to wake men up to this. To see feminism for what is truly is: A hate cult against men. If men would stand together and refused to be shamed into silence, this shit would stop.
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Sean Stu • 2 days ago
Feminist will do what feminists want. We know their game very well. This is a generational struggle. A significant strand of Western society has become something similar to a pyramid scheme. Marraige is a particular symptom of that pyramid scheme.
Some of us are working quietly to affect change. Change that will bring all of society forward together. Men in particular have been left behind, especially in school, and third level. The pursuit of material gain for women has pushed many men below the floor, dropping out of education, work and ultimately society.
This is a gamble by foolish politicians empowered by consensus created by powerful lobby groups.
A Global Strike might soon have all vested interests sucking in air. I consider that in the short term, it is the only way this situation can be highlighted effectively.
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Steve Lee Sean • a day ago
Well, men are half the world's population. We have to ask the question where are all the rest of the men, apart from us here?
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Eubie Stu • 2 days ago
I remember a couple of years ago, the local rag in my hometown ran its annual two- or three-page listing of deadbeat dads in the week running up to Father's Day. Classy!
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axia777 Eubie • 2 days ago
How about dead beat mom's? Oh wait those are mythical like a fucking unicorn.
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Jack Strawb axia777 • 2 days ago
And who would know from the news that a higher percentage of mothers than fathers get behind in child support? Of course, men are imprisoned at far higher rates for the inability to pay. In Massachusetts, for the same amount of arrears, a man is EIGHT times as likely as a woman to go to prison.
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Jack Barnes • 2 days ago
She wonders why we call some women crazy!?!
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axia777 Jack Barnes • 2 days ago
To women in general nothing they ever do is crazy.
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Graham Strouse • 2 days ago
Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure that crazy can also be used as an adjective...
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Partridge • 2 days ago
This article should be printed and sent to every Belfast City Councillor together with all the evidence and sources to support the points made and a letter of complaint asking the councillors to take action. And if possible, take legal action against Belfast City Council.
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Keddy43 • 2 days ago
I find it so funny that one of the complaints was the use of the word crazy, but I suppose it is from the same stable of intellectual thought that brought us the "Ban Bossy" campaign. Hush now everybody, Orwell's thought police are here, make sure you think only female gendered thoughts! The blatant hypocrisy of it!!!!! The degrading, insulting, offensive and lets face it, slanderous things that both the men and women of the MHRM get subjected to is ok? Daily attacks on who you are as a human because you refuse to ascribe to a totalitarian ideology pales into insignificance when compared to a woman being called crazy!!!
The same reactionary drivel repeated over and over again, IF YOU'RE AGAINST FEMINISM, YOU'RE AGAINST WOMEN.Utter tosh, just drivel and nonsense and the sad thing is this drivel forced the suppression of free speech, there's a quote from Game of Thrones doing the rounds that I think sums the situation up, When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say, news flash for you BFN, equality means free speech for everyone, it matters not one jot that you're feelings are hurt by this or that you have an ideological agenda which gets sullied by the truth, MHRI had the right to free speech, you do not have the right to censor opinion or views.
It seems as if these people are hell bent on bringing in some sort of puritanical dystopian nightmare that not even Orwell himself could've ever dreamed possible. The concept of the thought police was scary enough when expressed by Orwell, but the apparent version of that for the 21st century is what we have in modern feminism. Don't like a word, well hell, lets just censor it, dare to put the word feminism in a survey of words society should ban for the upcoming year, well hell, we'll scream and yell and force the words removal from the list.
Double standards everywhere you look in modern feminism, women can't be told by any other person how they should be dressed, but feminism has the right to say when a man's attire is not appropriate? Refusal to accept proven FACTS is a certified "debating" strategy, yet use of said facts is harassment? Women's movement!!!!! pah!!!! bloody religion more like, can't question it's creation, can't question it's doctrine, can't question the authority of the "clergy", any dissent is squashed ruthlessly and any initiate who "wakes up" and sees the lies is excommunicated and driven out. It's meaningless if it's 1984 or 2014 we seem to be living in, seems to me like it's fucking 1384 and the church is back in charge!!
peace be with you.see more
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TheManWithNoHat Keddy43 • 2 days ago
Reminds me of that Norwegian woman (not Swedish, Canadian [both have a nasty case of the RadFems] or American [an entitlement complex, poor education, and total lack of control can do very bad things]; I'm just as surprised as you are) who wanted to ban criticism of Feminism under "hate speech". Feminism's greatest weakness is its blunt contradiction of everyday reality. Despite all the wild claims made by DPRK officials about their leaders, the common man starving to death in an un-electrified factory sees nothing that goes against his daily living. Feminism on the other hand pulls phony statics and theories with less weight than an anorexic piece of paper out of its putrid anus, screams them at the top of its lungs, and goes against what you and I see walking down the streets; its either blind, stupid, knowingly lying, or a combination of the above. When somebody doesn't keep their heads down and corrects them they go ape____ and cry for the secret police.
TL;DR Feminism fears us because they fear the truth.
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Lucian Vâlsan Mod TheManWithNoHat • 2 days ago
Who is that Norwegian woman you're talking about? I'm following Scandinavian politics quite close and I know of no such woman.
The only Norwegian nutcase female that I know of is Eva Lundgren - who indeed wanted to ban criticism of feminism, but within the Swedish Uppsala University campus, not in a whole country.
The only Scandinavian endeavour to ban criticism of feminism under "hate speech" provisions that I know of was the Norwegian group Reform, who is a feminist "men's rights" group.
Their report, here:
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TheManWithNoHat Lucian Vâlsan • a day ago
Oh, must of got an edited/out-of-context image then. But I suppose Feminists have gotten so ballistic that it's really hard to tell a parodist from a genuine believer. But I do stand by what I said about how they fear us.
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Magnus Lucian Vâlsan • 2 days ago
Well we have a decent portion of feminist minded women in Norway. But I am not aware of specific people trying to ban criticism.
Remember I found reform some time ago, didn't take me long to realize they were a bunch of idiots.
Also I love how that report is called "How to work against antifeminism and extreamism? a report by experts in the nordic"
Glad to see we are tossed in there with terrorists :P
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Aryan Jesuite • 2 days ago
"He for He" & "Warn a Brother"... Men helping each other... hey what great idea! It's going to become a cultural meme or "an idea who's time has come" if western civilization is to survive. I for one am 'down' with He for He and am doing all I can to let my brothers what time it is and where they stand in regards to women, law enforcement and big daddy gov't.
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Jesse James • 2 days ago
To the BFN...Thank you.
Your actions here, are like president Obama to gun promoters! You see, unwittingly, Obama has turned himself into one of the greatest gun salesman of all time.
Now, I am not for guns, nor against.
But I find the similarities between your actions at city hall Belfast, and his pandering to international gun control activists as the same. Because of his actions, gun makers have had historic record sales.
So keep going tricks!
We thank you.
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crydiego Jesse James • 2 days ago
It is true the more you try to surpress something the more interesting it becomes.
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Steve Lee • 2 days ago
When I see this type of oppression being foistered on men, it makes my blood boil. The sad thing is that turkeys listen to them and act on their lies.
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Jesse James Steve Lee • 2 days ago
Not for long. By 2024's election cycle, we may be able to get some one as high as Joe Biden a new career choice, involuntarily.
If not that high, we may be within a decade of doing so. Politicians,, and the public, will take notice.
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