Saturday, 1 November 2014

Ireland #right2water #irishwater, #wewontpay, #watercharges, #waterprotests

Original Song By Dominic Behan

Why water, why now? Ireland takes to the streets - Eamonn McCann

Opinion: ‘The idea of having to pay for a substance so natural that it falls from the sky and without which we’d die sparks a particular anger’

‘Commentators who would never be seen dead at a demo came close to lamenting that the working class was letting the country down. Oh for the days of Jim Larkin, they sighed, relaxed that the preacher of discontent was safely entombed in Glasnevin.’ Above, an anti-water charges protest march, in O’Connell Street, Dublin, last month. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times
‘Commentators who would never be seen dead at a demo came close to lamenting that the working class was letting the country down. Oh for the days of Jim Larkin, they sighed, relaxed that the preacher of discontent was safely entombed in Glasnevin.’ Above, an anti-water charges protest march, in O’Connell Street, Dublin, last month. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times

#irishwater, #wewontpay, #watercharges, #right2water, #waterprotests,

Friday, 31 October 2014


From experience, I believe that greed is a fact of life, that needs to be managed and regulated in a fair way, before it destroys our species. I understand what I am writing about, because of my own selfish experience. I also believe greed, has positive aspects, that are communally positive, grounded again in experience, rather than fanciful theory, but it is a simply a question of how it is managed and regulated by society. This is a question, that needs to be carefully, considered urgently, by the greater dialectic of commonsense and acted upon immediately, otherwise the eugenicists will have their way, as they did in World war 1&2, rationalized by films such as the above. I also believe, from personal experience, that there is more than enough on this planet, for everyone to travel first class, if we organize our greed reality intelligently, with mind, body and soul. If you agree with this post, I ask you to share it far and wide, while provoking or encouraging debate about it.

"Every seed is awakened and so is all animal life. It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our animal neighbours the same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land."

Sitting Bull

Embracing Spiritual Abundance

In the many years of awakened life I have witnessed abundance spoken about in a myriad of different ways. I’ve noticed that in all its different guises, there are two main ways in which it is interpreted.
1. Having lots of what we desire
    2. Seeing the divine in all things

Having lots of what we desire

The first way is dictated by our wants and desires. Being abundant in this sense means having ‘a lot of’ stuff, resources, money, property, land, people or anything tangible for that matter.
It’s the type of abundance that seeks gratification and a sense of happiness from the outside world. Of course, everything is energy, so there is nothing wrong with having ‘stuff’ if we are meant to; if it serves/assists our journey of self realisation or if we are not depending on it for our sense of abundance and personal self worth.

The possession trade off

Acquiring sense of personal achievement (or abundance) by having lots of stuff always has a trade off. Eventually, possession based satisfaction leads to a ‘lack of’ feeling. How ironic! If it is not abruptly taken away from you (which often happens), then it's as if there is something missing that you can’t quite put your finger on. A soulful searching, reaching, yearning, bubbles away, growing in intensity until we either break down, suppress with something else (drugs, alcohol, comfort foods, TV etc) or surrender to it. The longing of the soul towards its own liberation and expansiveness will eventually have its way - maybe not today, maybe not even soon, but inevitably in some lifetime or other. The soul is like a river flowing back to the ocean. It will either keep evolving to ever higher levels of consciousness, or it will simply dissolve back into the source.
Deep inner peace and spiritual liberation can never be fully attained by the attachment to stuff. This is an illusionary abundance, that is always doomed to fail.
I imagine this is why so many spiritual people give up all or a lot of their possessions when they really start walking the spiritual path. It stems from an authentic urge, to lighten the burdensome attachment to the load.

Seeing the divine in all things

The second type of abundance is what I would term true spiritual abundance. I mean ‘true’ in the sense that it transcends the matrix of mass conditioning, whilst embracing that which is beyond the veil of illusion.
True abundance is shown by an authentic, omnipresent gratitude for the divinity in all things.
This is typically prolific for those who have awakened spiritually to unity consciousness.
The experience of true abundance is rarely an intellectual one. The experience exudes a deep gratitude for the moment, for breath, for existence, for experience. Those who have truly touched unity consciousness see the divine in all things.
When you are blessed enough to see the divine in all things, you can connect to the flow. They go hand in hand. Everything is divinely given. Everything is an opportunity to BE. We want for nothing, because we embody the knowing that we already have everything. Our true nature expands through the entire universe; through and beyond all things. We become both everything and nothing. You can only really know this once unity consciousness has been fully embodied and you've expanded into presence.
When we see the divine in all things, we might not have two pennies to rub together; we might lack a home or a family. Yet we are filled with the very divine energy that we see in all things. We are truly abundant!

Less is more

It’s no coincidence that the less people have, the happier they tend to be. Of course not everyone is like this, but I have definitely noticed a general trend. People with less learn to make the most of what they have. They learn to be more creative and resourceful. They learn to make stuff, repair stuff, to find joy in the littlest of things. They learn to work together, pool resources, play games, laugh more, understand one another more and entertain each other through dancing, singing and creative arts. It’s a fact that those with the least money will typically be more charitable to others who are less fortunate than themselves. They don’t tend to hoard or protect what they have, but rather trust that they have enough. They understand how they have been blessed with what they have and gain more inner abundance by sharing that. I have seen this time and time again. I have seen people possessing very little in monetary value, who are infinitely more abundant than their wealthy cousins.

The measure of true spiritual abundance

A great measurement of our level of abundance is the amount of unhindered peace we feel within.
The more aligned we are with the flow of higher consciousness, the more we allow the divine to flow freely through us. The more the divine flows freely through us, the more we feel profound peace at the core of our being. I have found this to be the most effective gauge of abundance.
If we have profound inner peace - what more would we want anyway?
I’ve met some of the most amazing people who are a divine embodiment of true spiritual abundance. You know when you see them, because they exude a pulsating energy of clear light. If they are open (and not jealous or threatened by another) then this pulse makes others around them touch true spiritual abundance within aswell. It's contagious. It's a free flowing wealth, available to all who trust in it.

Leaving matrix based conditioning

Most awakened people initially dance between ‘possession based abundance’ and ‘true spiritual abundance’. Once the spiritual path appears fully on the horizon, an increasing dissatisfaction with anything that is not divinely inspired becomes noticeably prevalent.
It is inevitable, that as a person becomes more and more aligned with the divine flow, they will become an increasing embodiment of true spiritual abundance.
True spiritual abundance is your destiny!
So, if you need some encouragement to fully embody true spiritual abundance - take inspiration from anything that resonates in this sharing and let it flow. Embrace the divine within you until it starts to bubble over and flood into the world!
Soul to soul
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Thursday, 30 October 2014


Willie Frazer has again been refused a personal protection weapon, because of his suspected links, with the Flegger RA in East Belfast and Crossmaglen and is not at all happy about it. Willie Frazer said that the the Free State government is interfering far too much and he doesn't recognize them and that paramilitaries are welcome. He admits that these paramilitaries have murdered people, but he elaborated by saying, ‘thankfully not in my community’. Former IRA Chief of Staff Martin McGuinness, believes this is an absolute disgrace of a statement, which should be withdrawn immediately, but Willie is not listening, because he is a dissident, who has no time for McGuinness, who previously called all of Willie's associates, neanderthals.

The Flegger RA, over the past week, have taken down, what they term are several PSNIRA Officers, who were on duty in Belfast, and are now recovering in hospital from serious injuries. The Flegger Ra were formed recently, after Willie Frazer reported to the Minister of Regional Development, that other dissident Orange Vounteers tried to murder him. He also claimed that the Provos were responsible for his abduction previously, after the Flegger RA, tried to murder Conor Murphy, a member of the British Parliament. All of this is a result, of what Susan Mckay referred to in her book, as, ‘Northern Protestants, An Unsettled People, in which Willie said, "if a Paki came over here from India and shot dead a Provo, I'd shake his hand."

Willie who is a professional mourner, admits he uses his parades in memory of victims of violence, as a cynical political propaganda message, to get its anti-Agreement message across. Willie in a telephone interview stated,``We are bringing that message down south.'' Frazer is extremely angry at being refused a personal protection weapon again, because of his links with  to the Flegger RA.
He is also angry that Conor Murphy, a member of the British establishment is trying to make Willie out to be a subject of ridicule. This along with all the other spiteful, hate-filled words against Mr Frazer and other libelous remarks about former Loyalists, by other British establishment figures in the Gerry Adams party, has motivated many former Loyalists to form the Flegger RA.

Many former Loyalists simply cannot stomach the concept of PSNIRA policing as being synonomous, with the concept of being British and have decided if you can't beat them, they might as well join them, especially if there's a few Euros involved. The change by former loyalists to the RA, has come as no surprise at all to the  non-British Scots, after their recent Independence referendum, with the former bastion of Britishness, loyalist paramilitaries, switching sides. One Provisional sinn fein councillor, commented off the record, "Let our PSNIRA British police, deal with this matter," adding that there are a lot of spiteful, hate-filled words against Willie and that everyone needs to adhere to British Law & Order. They must accept PSNIRA Policing and Justice like everyone else adding that Gerry Adams was unavailable for comment, because it is a very difficult time for Gerry at the moment, who is busy, trying to teach some of his older dogs, new tricks!

The Amalgamate would like to thank LondonDerrySkill & Slugger for their artistic collaboration!


Out of prison for the second time, rambling the length and breath of the country, on a daily basis, sleeping rough, with a head full of shit, I was truly phukt in every sense of the word. I walked into a room full of smoke, whores and sober cutthroats in Galway, and learned from the discipline of simply showing up at 12 Phukt Steps meetings in the west of Ireland, taking what I wanted from the meeting and leaving the rest, along with the discipline of staying until the meeting was formally finished, that a day at a time I could stay sober. This is far easier said, than done for someone as far gone as I was, because each one there, in one way or another, was a mirror image of myself and I did not like what I saw but I had nowhere else to go only hell. Not everyone there was my cup of tea but I realized my life was on the line and slowly but surely, I found the ones who were, who helped me considerably. I learned that I was as sick as my secrets and while I still do not trust easily, after my lifetime's experiences but without trust, I was riddled with fear, which was a living nightmare. I realized eventually that in order to enjoy life I had to find something I could trust.

Trust from my experience is earned but sometimes beggars can't be choosers. During this period, the old saying, "Above All else to thine own Self be True," became particularly important, because aside from being very confused, I was intensely lonely and totally dysfunctional in all respects, with the exception of showing up at meetings on a daily basis and plonking myself in a seat and staying right to the end. I also had massive hatred against all forms of religion, and as I mentioned previously this digger deviant, has no aspirations to ever be a born again virgin. In fact before I came in, I once sat down with some people and discussed the potential of bombing every church in Ireland both Catholic and Protestant. I was riddled with so much fear, that hate became my cloak. My mind, heart and body were full of it and I learned eventually, that my Spirit or soul or whatever we want to call it, were poisoned. I was defeated as a person, along with every ethical belief I ever had.

Like the Orange Order, I was born, bred and indoctrinated, with the philosophy of NO SURRENDER !, but eventually, I was forced to be honest enough with myself, that I truly was defeated as a going concern. This for a person like me, was truly humiliating! This was where my best thinking, actions and behaviour had taken me! Fortunately for me I was at this time given a present of a book called, A New Pair of Glasses written by Chuck C. Apart from the word God, which I am still not comfortable with, it has probably been the most influential book, I have ever read. It first of all offered me the best explanation, of that much abused word Love, that I have ever found. It explained that Love is Patient. He also demonstrated that, "The most Powerful Thing on the Face of this Earth, is the Unadulterated Truth." I later learned from the mother of my ex-partner, that at end of the day, to function effectively, we need to trust something.

About this time, I met a man called Bob from Australia, who went to India where he spent almost 20 years, searching out, all the Guru's in India he could find, for a spiritual path. A friend of mine at this time, also learned from a monk in Amsterdam, a definition of the word Spiritual, that rang true with me, which simply says, " Reflect who You really Are." What Bob lerned in India, after his 20 years, with some of it's best Gurus, he told me, was that it all boiled down to, "Living and Breathing in the Moment, as aware as possible with Our Five or Six senses, as the case may Be! That was the sum total, of his 20 years wandering in India, among it's best Gurus. As time went by, I was to learn, that the most valuable thing in Life, really is Experience. I have learned from the evidence and proof of my own experience, that I have a Higher Power, that I don't understand very much, despite being a cynic, who truly does love me patiently and unconditionally, despite being the digger deviant, that I mostly am and it is most certainly is not fear based.

I am now 62 years young and have been doing this stuff for 27 years. Despite that, I still wake up most mornings with a head, that is not a million miles from a hangover. My head is often not my friend. It has a 3D imagination that works to the extreme, both for me and against me but unlike my past, I now have a choice, of which way to go. Before rising I have learned from experience, that it is a good idea for me, to apply the Third Phukt Step as sincerely as I can from my head, heart and gut, in the following words, that have special meaning and significance for me. Some days, I do not have the capacity to be very sincere about it but I do it anyway. (Higher Power ?) I offer myself to you, to do your will. Relieve me of the prison of my self, my extreme selfishness, my extreme self-centeredness and my extreme self-will. Please give me the power mentally, that I need today, the power physically, the power materially, the power emotionally, and the power sexually, I need today. I have learned over time, that I can trust these things will be given to me, to the extent of my sincerity, when request it from my mind, heart and soul.

Now for most people the gift of life is not a miracle at 62, but I can tell you for me, it is. I have always had a yearning to enjoy this gift to it's fullest but unfortunately on my own, I did not have a set of tools to achieve it. I have lost everything in life, that is worth having except my life. I lost 10 children by 5 partners, I lost several homes, I lost my freedom, with two spells in prison and before finding the 12 Phukt Steps, I lost my health and any form of sanity. Now there are plenty of people will tell you, I still haven't recovered it, but I am mostly a very happy man with a heart that is full and no longer isolated. I have recovered a lot of what I have lost, with the exception of several of my children. I have learned to enjoy life better, than even my best days drinking and I am being careful about the facts I write here, because I know I must walk the talk. I will not lie to you in these matters, because I can only keep what I have by giving it away and remembering where I come from. This not alll just for you benefit you know.

For many years, I did not have the strength, to engage with Irish politics, because it simply was too distressing. I have never ignored it and have carefully observed, that in many ways, it reflects my own personal life or perhaps I project that. But then as Jimmy from Limerick once said, how could it be any other way. My primary conditioning, is from a dysfunctional home and a dysfunctional country of violence with an
inordinate  amount of politically engineered emigration and repression. I have now come to the conclusion, that Mairead Farrell's statement, "Your mind is your best Weapon," and Terence McSweeney's Principles of Freedom are my best guiding light for the future, from people who actually walked their talk before me. Terence McSweeney was Lord Mayor of Cork. He died in a British Gaol, gave his life on hunger strike for his Principles of Freedom. Mairead after ten years in Armagh's women prison on release, returned to the struggle and was summarily executed, unarmed in Gibraltar.

Under present conditions in Ireland, similar to deprived areas of the US, I do believe, that 
unfortunately, people do have the right to bear arms, strictly for defensive purposes. I long for the day when we have a society, that has evolved to a level of civility, where this archaic form of life, is no longer necessary. Life is very precious. Censorship and political internment, play a considerable role in creating political violence in Ireland. When people are denied free speech, they often as I did in the past, see no alternative, to what I now see as reactionary politics, which I now accept has no long term future. Gerry Adams may have recognized this earlier but the non transparent, devious manner of expediting it was wrong and the Republic does not belong to a bunch of elitist, whether intellectual or material. The Republic belong to all of the people of no property in Ireland. I trust that there is still enough commonsense left in Ireland, that all it's people can determine their own future, in an environment free from censorship and disinformation. I have seen no credible evidence to the contrary, I do however feel it is our moral requirement before resorting to any form of political violence, that every other eventuality is explored thoroughly first.

Perhaps in the age of the internet this is possible, despite considerable censorship, disinformation and blanket surveillance. Ultimately I believe that we are all as sick as our secrets and sadly I believe Ireland certainly is currently but there are a few green shoots, starting like the Right2Water, People before Profit, along with some enlightened leaders in Republican Sinn Fein, however elitism and patriarchy are still a bad hangover, from the various religions in Ireland. I am certain, that eventually the 'Truth will Out' and Ireland will collectively be liberated when the lessons of Unity and Principles before Personalities are learned. The Principles of Freedom by Terence McSweeney are in the link below and I believe are essential reading for any Irish Freedom Fighter. beir bua, brion

Principles Of Freedom  by Terence McSweeney

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

WHOREMASTERS Proddys Don't Join Roman Catholic IRA

According to a recent BBC report, many Protestants in east Belfast, now want to join the IRA. Because of BBC censorship, I can't show you's the video clip proof of it, so I will try to explain in this article. The first time I was in British Occupied Ireland, I went for a few pints with Paddy Barry to Iris Wilson's pub in Lawrencetown, which is outside the loyalist town of Banbridge. Paddy was the father of many, many children who had settled down there, after travelling the length and breath of Ireland, having married the daughter of Maggie Barry, who was Queen of the Gypsies. Paddy was the father of my first wife, who was as difficult a person as I am. He lived in a Caravan near the border, outside Crossmaglen with his wife Norah, her mother Maggie and their large family for many years. They fed themselves in hard times, smuggling a few pounds of butter, now and agin,(yes, I can spell) across the border. Ye see, the RUC men were too phukin lazy, to empty the creel of numerous sods of turf and put them back again. This is where the famous song, the Turfman from Ardee comes from. Unfortunately some phukwit has removed it from YouTube but this will give you a feel of the bould Maggie.

So, as is the custom in Ireland, with its bar culture and I being his new son-in-law, we got to chatting about the buffers around the place. He was an earnest man, which is a rare commodity these days in Ireland. He said, "Brian people have no nature in them anymore" words that have stuck with me, in the many years since. So I got to askin him, about his experiences traveling Ireland, in the days before the troubles, and I was particularly struck by one of his experiences.

You need to remember, that these were the days before contraceptives, where people could not afford to jump on the Belfast train, for the morning after pill, and people being human beings, did what every other species do and phuk like phuk. In Ireland with the added lubricant of drink, this happens on a phenomenal scale, altogether. In fact in my own case, I just had to throw my trousers into the bedroom and out popped a child nine months later. Mind you, this does not seem to have stopped in my own case, even after I put down the drink, with the result, that I am the proud father of 10 children, with 5 different mothers, all of them beautiful, healthy, children thanks to the Big Spirit albeit with very difficult women, as a lot of Irish women, Germans and Asians tend to be.

Anyway to get back to Paddy Barry, and not be going on about myself all the time, I asked him, why he preferred to drink in a Protestant pub, rather than a Catholic one. He told me Protestants were more trustworthy than a lot of Roman Catholics, as opposed to Celtic Catholics, something that only a Crossmaglen man might understand. So being myself, I pushed it a bit further, as I have a habit of doing, to scratch people, to try to find what is really under their thin veneer of civility.

He said the me," Brian you are from the west of Ireland, and the first thing you need to understand about people drinking in pubs in the north of Ireland, is that, " They are all whoremasters." So pushing it a bit more, he reiterated in a loud voice, "WHOREMASTERS." Well he was a very big, fit, man and despite his age, could certainly take care of himself. So I didn't push it anymore, because this was a time just after the Reavey and Dowd families were wiped out in that  area, when the British RUC police, walked into their homes and just opened up and shot most of them indiscriminately.So not wanting to provoke a row, as often happens in the North, when you're being honest, and their being a fair chance, that a few RUC men were there, I dropped the subject and asked him instead, about days travelling in the south of Ireland.

He told me, that times were very hard for travelling people in those days in Ireland, particularly in winter. He told me that a lot of priests in those days wouldn't baptize traveler's children and where in one instance in the middle of winter, where he took his dying child to the local priest to be baptized, who refused and sent him away. A couple of days later Paddy returned with the dead child in his arms, asking for permission to bury his child, but was refused permission to bury it in the cemetery, because the same child was not baptized.He dug the ground and buried the child himself, just outside the cemetery wall, still a better fate than the babies in Tuam.

Well fortunately, we were joined by his wife Norah later on that evening, who lightened the place up, with some of the most beautifully sung Irish songs, that I ever heard. Mind you there was an unmerciful row in the house later on that night, when we returned home and I told her mother Maggie, who was one of Ireland's most favourite singers, that her daughter was a better singer than her. Maggie lifted a big armchair and fired it at me, calling me all the bastards under the Sun. I learned that night, that it wasn't just because of her singing, that Maggie became Queen of the Gypsies. Mind you her granddaughter took after her. So there you are, that was the way of it.

Year's later, I was to learn the hard way again, that there was a lot of truth in Paddy's summation of whoremasters. From many years in the north of Ireland, I found them to be the most hearty people in Ireland and I still miss them, but if I was to join the IRA again, it would need to be a Protestant IRA. It's a bit like when I was going to join the priesthood, as my mother reared me to be, you can measure as often as you like but only cut once. These Durty Marty wannabee's in Derry are not my cup of tea at all, at all. I think Marty has polluted the City with the Queen's shite, beyond immediate redemption. As the saying goes..."Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." Now of course, men have been shot for writing less than that sort of thing, but then as another famous Irishman from the West Indies, Bob Marley put it..."My hand was made strong by the hand of ..." I still can't figure out, how the phuk did he write such profound songs, smoking all that weed? Now if after reading all this, you are feeling suicidal, then just go down to Crossmaglen and sing a few verses of the song below or better still, go into Conor Murphy's PSNI office and give him a full throated rendition!

    Come all ye bold teetotallers and list(?) to me a while,
    And if you close attention pay I'll cause you to smile;
    No story of Grecian queen, nor tale of Trojan say
    But a tale of woe that happened so with whiskey in me tay.
    I was a bold teetotaller for three long years and more,
    The neighbours all respected me and decent clothes I wore,
    My family were fond of me till one unlucky day
    Just like a child I was beguiled with whiskey in me tay.
    I only took the smallest sup when up the ructions rose,
    I saw that I was put upon and slaughtered friends and foes,
    A Polisman(?) surrounded me and hauled me up next day,
    The charge was read and duly pled, 'twas whiskey in me tay.
    From Carrickmacross to Crossmaglen the polisman(?) did vow
    There are more rogues than honest men as any will allow,
    It isn't rogues or honest men the Justice then did say,
    We deal with now, but a drunken row from whiskey in his tay.
    This man he was a sober man for three long years or more
    The neighbours all respected him and decent clothes he wore,
    The story is an ancient one the justice did say,
    He'll pay up bail or go to gaol for whiskey in his tay.
    So all bold teetotalers if sober you would be
    Be careful of your company and mind what happened to me,
    It wasn't the lads from Shercock or the boys from Ballybay,
    But the dealing men from Crossmaglen put whiskey in me tay.